
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Because fighting racism is not the point


The destruction of the Christian Western democratic traditions is the point.  Using racism when convenient is simply one of many avenues taken to achieve that goal. 


  1. That well explains what I've seen from the Left for the last 40 years. Academia especially. For all they claim about respecting diversity, they definitely view Christian sentiment as vastly inferior. In their eyes, ..America aimed to "free" people from the "ignorant" medieval era.

    1. And again, the point is the destruction of the Christian Western tradition. All whiteness is evil, the West was all whiteness, therefore do the math. And if you point this out, of course, you're the white supremacist racist. Quite a brilliant turn on the old use of racism.

  2. If anyone wants to succeed in life then certain behaviors are essential. Civilized behaviors. Anyone of any background can succeed if they don't act like savages. It matters not that civilized behaviors were established by white cultures. If people want the obviously good material things available in nations established by peoples with white cultures then it is necessary to adopt their standards of behavior. That means that being polite, etc., cannot be dismissed as 'acting white'. Acting white is absolutely necessary.

    Does all that make me a racist, in the eyes of the 'Woke'? 'Frankly ..... I don't give a damn.'

    1. Well yes, it does make you a racism today. The thought that anything from the West was anything but vile racist imperialism and genocide is as good as saying you love Hitler. Thus is the mindset today.

  3. "It matters not that civilized behaviors were established by white cultures."
    *snorts* My Comm 211 professor, Intercultural Communications, would vigorously dispute that idea. She never (quite) branded "being white" as bald-faced racism; she advocated "ethnic identity".
    Sadly, we must all "give a damn" about what a minority group might perceive as "racist", lest we lose our jobs.

    1. My oldest son made it though most of his college without the crazy courses we hear about. Even if professors were quite leftwing and biased, it was done in a more traditional 'you're free to disagree' setting. Until his last semester, where he had to take a communications class, and has discovered that the only appropriate way to see the world is to imagine you're Himmler thinking about Jews, only this time it's whites, and if that had been the case, Himmler would have been onto something. He said that class answered the age old question: How did Nazi Germany come to be? Easy, per that class. They were white European Christians, and that's all you need to know.


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