
Thursday, December 8, 2022

And the word of the day is Stochastic Terrorism

Yep.  Stochastic Terrorism is all the rage.  Apparently it's driven by the gay night club shooting that appeared to be the result of a member of the LGBTQ community (identifying as non-binary).  I guess that's why I've heard little about the actual shooting.

But all of a sudden this term has exploded across the news and online outlets.  What does it mean?  I had no clue.  Never heard of the term.   The dictionary definition is this:

the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted:

In other words, you haven't really called for violence, but we know that's your intention. Hence whatever or whoever was responsible for the gay club shooting, it was really the fault of anyone who dares challenge the leftist sex culture.  You see, any opposition to anything done by the non-heterosexual community is really terrorism, of the Stochastic nature.  That is, you might say you merely question something about the LGBTQ revolution, but you're really calling on terrorists to murder  gay people. 

The same goes for BLM, drag queen shows for kids, people opposing Democrats, not supporting gun control as the solution to our mass killings, or anything on the Left.  To question a leftwing dogma is now Stochastic Terrorism. In just a few days I've seen it applied to opposing trans and gay groomers of children, a Catholic bishop criticizing Hillary Clinton, and inciting anti-Asian hate crimes by asking about Covid's origins.  

In short, it's the next step to the abolition of freedom.  We must do anything to destroy terrorist threats to our country.  Any attempt to question a leftist doctrine or agenda is a form of terrorist threat.  Therefore, well, you know the drill.  


  1. We have to stop accepting changes in definitions because the left says so. We've gone through this before.

    "In other words, you haven't really called for violence, but we know that's your intention."

    Really? They are not God who alone reads hearts and minds, so dismiss their claims. They are useless claims so don't accept them as truth. No one is forcing you to. To repeat: It is homosexual not gay. It is an illness called gender dysphoria not transgenderism. Stop playing into their filthy hands.

    1. I believe the first defeat on that particular battlefield was feminists calling English and the male pronoun inherently sexist and oppressive - and winning. No more policeman, that's sexist. It's police person. Other retreats followed. If you get to call a word evil because you say it is, it's not long before you get to define the word. And if you get to define words, you get to define anything.

      And you're right. I've said one of the defining characteristics of modern liberalism is the heavy reliance on assuming worst motives. Much of liberalism would have no steam if it couldn't frame the argument as 'obviously you're a bigot or you'd agree with liberalism'.

    2. (Tom New Poster)
      Assuming worst motives.
      In other words: paranoia?

    3. Paranoia perhaps. Certainly expediency.

  2. The concept of Stochastic Terrorism has only recently had a very small handful of people making an attempt at an academic review. Despite that, its rhetorical utility will ensure that it will be treated as a long existing and well-understood phenomenon with a chosen supply of “experts” at the ready to bludgeon political opposition.

    So the term is here to say. Just try to be aware of the game that’s being played. -By Dr. Rollergator who spends a long article going over the term and the "game."

    1. That was an excellent article. Since I posted this I've seen the term referenced another dozen times. Mostly, again, regarding the whole LGBTQ topic. But also, ironically, against a bishop who called out Hillary Clinton for comparing pro-life advocates to rapists and terrorists. He said we need to turn away and ignore her in order to silence her evil defense of evil. Him saying that was labeled stochastic terrorism. In a revealing turn, her calling opponents of abortion criminals and terrorists is not stochastic terrorism. Which shows this, like most things, is a lie to compound the lies of the left and stop all non-leftist dissent.

    2. And another article I found.

      But yes, several have noticed now it's just the latest in the left's "shut up and do what I say, already" arsenal.

    3. Yep. I've seen it more since this post. It's like overnight we discovered a new planet. Or, in this case, a new word able to be used to shut down opposition to the State.

    4. You know the "progress flag?" The "rainbow pride" flag with the ugly triangle of colors added to it, including two to represent black and brown people (which has nothing to do with sexuality)?

      That flag was designed in 2018, and only started to get mention in media in 2021, and only started to see widespread adoption at the beginning of this year. I remember how when it started to get used in June of 2021 it was roundly mocked for being ugly, for being nonsensical, and being pointless (since the whole purpose of a rainbow flag in the first place was to be all inclusive.) These complaints were dismissed by saying that this was just one of many flag proposals and that it was not the "official" pride flag in any way.

      And yet, there's only one place where I can find the old pride flag hanging up. Every single other woke business has replaced it with the "progress" flag. And every time you see it used by a business they act like it's something they've always had, despite it being very new and being mocked until even more recently.

    5. I've not even heard of that, but it wouldn't surprise me. Insisting yesterday didn't happen or always happened is common among the modern Left. I've said this wave of judging and condemning people without mercy is so against the liberalism I grew up with. That liberalism condemned judging people. I've been told by many a liberal that liberals said no such thing. Never said any such thing. Never once apparently. That's just my version of looking at all those talks, movies, television shows, lectures in school where we were told it's always wrong to judge. Their version today doesn't have that. Again, it's tough playing a game with someone who keeps changing the rules. It's even worse playing with someone who doesn't even believe in rules.

  3. Much of what animates the left in our time consists of rhetorical gamesmanship - animadvrsions contra contrived taxa which have no social reality - 'Christian nationalism', 'systemic racism', 'stochastic terrorism'. Just remember that you can tell they're lying because their lips are moving.

    1. As I say, it's not that leftists alone are capable of being mendacious, it's just that it seems mendacity is an absolute necessity for defending leftwing activism and opinions. It's as if taking away lies and dishonesty would cause liberalism to crumble into dust the way Dracula's body did after he was slain - like something unnatural keeping it alive. In this case, a reliance on falsehoods and sheer stupidity.


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