
Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Making the Pathological Liar seem seem credible

Really.  Read and weep, laugh, gasp, whatever.  An actual attempt to say America has no violence problem, only Republicans do.  This is accomplished by simply ignoring the manifold examples of leftists who have engaged in violence, assaults, and destruction.  Nothing about Antifa.  Nothing about assaults on GOP pols.  Nothing about the 2020 riots.  Nothing. It's literally the old trick of saying 'well except for that, Germany was a great place for Jews to live in the 1940s'.  It's the type of lies in the service of pure falsehood that seems to define discourse among the modern Left.  Again, it's not to say no conservative or anyone else engages in such stupid duplicity.  But more and more it seems to be a necessity for those who wish to accept the narratives of the modern progressivism.  


  1. "This is accomplished by simply ignoring the manifold examples of leftists who have engaged in violence, assaults, and destruction. Nothing about Antifa. Nothing about assaults on GOP pols. Nothing about the 2020 riots. Nothing. "

    These acts of violence were there for all to see. Night after night. I do not believe one whit they are just ignoring them There are people on the left who religiously watch, listen and read MNBC, CNN, ABC, The View (excuse me while I barf), The Atlantic etc...and do NOT research stories and believe these news sources and the these sources know they have sheeple who watch them without question.

    These liberal news sources know about the violence on the left and just lie to their audiences knowing the liberal viewers will eat it up thus influencing their vote. I believe it's deliberate lying to the weak minded to guide the country to a socialist conclusion or worse. What makes me chuckle are the movers and shakers who promote socialism/communism. Like all past communist regimes they all think they will have a high position when the time comes only to find themselves outside looking in.

    1. I've often said propaganda works on both the weak and the willing minded. These attacks were there for all to see. Those who accept this are simply liars who happily embrace lies for their own devices. When we're dealing with people who make lying almost a badge of honor with a 'we dare you to say anything since it won't matter', know we've crossed a line.

  2. Timothy Noah isn't some millennial nosepicker. He's been employed in opinion journalism for north of 40 years. He worked for The New Republic when it was edited by Michael Kinsley and Jack Beatty. He worked for The Washington Monthly under Charles Peters. It's gross and amusing. Noah, Robert Reich, Paul Krugman - all fairly reasonable when they were young.

    1. It does seem to be a trend. There are many I've watched who I admired, or at least enjoyed in their way, back in the day. That's why I dwell on Deacon Greydanus. His postmodern approach to film reviewing wasn't my cup of tea, but I found him to be a person who debated in good faith, even when we disagreed. He was also openly against many of the worst rhetorical tricks already becoming common in the world of the Internet. Now? He's now to the point of acting like we can't go back and find where he said the opposite of what he insists is true today. Always a bad sign, and sad to see.


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