
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

It's Election Day!

Me on Election Day
Woohoo.  I'm not one who cares much for the GOP.  I figure most Republicans wish they could go back to the good old days of a strong military to help our financial fortunes, with everything else 'who cares?'.  Not that all Republicans are like that.  But the 'GOP' as a whole seems interested in being just enough 'not Democrat' to curry favor with voters every couple years, but not enough 'Republican' to do much else.  

Donald Trump disrupted that of course. Not that he's my cup of tea either.  As I've said before, I was so ahead of the curve that I didn't like Trump when liberal Democrats and Hollywood superstars loved the guy. Before he committed the unforgivable sin of putting an 'R' in front of his name.  I still don't care for him.  Though he did a service by drawing out the professional class of 'not conservatives unless the cameras are rolling' pundits who made the GOP everything worthless (I'm looking at you Bill Kristol).

The Democrats' problem is that they put their eggs in the secular progressive basket.  The "Left', we'll call it, is a movement that smells strongly of Bolshevism, and increasingly makes its goals clear: the utter destruction of the Christian Western tradition. Almost every day the Left finds some virtue, truth or principle to destroy, the suffering and misery that subsequently arises being small beans.  

That the Left enjoys an alliance with the Western institutions of power not seen since WWII makes it tough to resist.  It's a testimony to the awfulness of the Left's platform that with such an overwhelming monopoly of social messaging, there are still so many who question its dogmas.  Yet every day it makes strides. 

Because of that, I find myself thinking that no matter what, I don't dare take a chance on giving the Left any more power than it has.  Since the Democrats, on the whole, appear fully invested in following the Left blindly wherever it goes, that means giving Democrats more power and influence is akin taking the flag out and burning it along with my children's freedoms. 

Exactly what will happen today, I don't know.  I'm sure there will be some runoffs.  History favors the party not in the White House during midterm elections.  And that's if things are chugging along.  We are living in a dumpster fire as a civilization right now, and the one hanging his hat in the Oval Office will typically get the blame. 

My guess is that polling favors the Republicans.  That's because I've seen about a week or so of news stories warning poll workers of violence and worrying that the election could be compromised by election deniers and voter oppression.  If the Democrats were ahead, I bet the stories would strike a different tone.  

I'm sure if the GOP wins anything beyond the House (which most have conceded for some time), we'll hear endless news stories of angry white men, sexists, voter oppression and voting rights violations galore.  It won't be like 2020, when the USA popped off an election that was almost too perfect for heaven.  It will be more like 2016, or 2000, or even 2004.  You know, when elections were corrupt, stolen, compromised or illegal.  You know, when Republicans won.  

Beyond the assurance of Mike DeWine getting a second term, however, I have no clue about outcomes.  After all, the last time I made a prediction was before the 2016 election, when I conceded the inevitable victory of Hillary Clinton.  So obviously my ability to predict elections isn't worth much.  Therefore, I'll leave history to do what it does, and find out the results tomorrow, or the next day, or whenever we finally know.  


  1. I agree with most what you said matter how bad we want to make the GOP, the new generation of Republicans are not the Mitch McConnells that have embedded themselves in DC. They seem fresher, less dictatorial. I am a conservative who is no longer a Republican because they are no longer synonymous terms. I held my nose for Trump and will again depending on what happens in two years. I did not vote for a saint but for a secular leader willing to defend our rights and country and he became the champion of the unborn to boot. Full stop. Biden is a devout Catholic. Excuse me while I go puke. We have two choices. Clear choices. Grand ol' Party or the Party of Death and Perversion. Again, full stop.

    1. There are some who give me hope. But I'm also mindful of what my sons discovered in college. As they said, many young conservative Republicans have no problem with gay marriage, or abortion rights, or secularism. To them, that's the normal they're defending. They say conservative from their POV, but not based on anything most older conservatives would imagine. Which is what I noticed about Trump. Early on, despite news coverage, I noticed some of the most zealous Trump supporters I know were far removed from anything close to conservative. I think that's my concern. There are some good ones out there, but others not so much. Which ones will take control of the GOP?

  2. If there’s no clear “red wave” then I might despair: either for the very real possibility of election interference by Dems, who have a long history of such things and seem to have simply gotten bolder, or that my fellow Americans would actually put some of these people in office or BACK in office after their terms of debacle. (I can’t get over some of the outright LIES of some of the candidates about what they did or didn’t do during Covid.)

    1. We can always hope the Democrats overwhelmingly win, then we'll know the elections were done right! :)

      But yes, you're right. Democrats have a completely sympathetic activist media at this point. I just heard a political analyst say Tim Ryan probably couldn't win, despite a wonderful campaign, because Ohio is such a Red State. Red State? No, swung to Red because of the Democrats making a platform of 'how many jobs that feed Ohio families can we eliminate?'. But hardly a "Red State.' Ryan's problem was that he had no backing from the DNC, and he tried to be 'I'm no partisan, I'm an in the middle guy', when it was easy to find examples of him being quite partisan. But to hear the press, you'd never know that. Which is about par for the course. If we listen to the press, there's a good chance we don't know.

    2. Well, locally, the two counties around me pretty much upended the majority of Ds. On a national level I just can't help but wonder why some states seem to HATE themselves.

    3. And I can't be entirely sure some of these big cities in some states aren't functioning now as Chicago functions: completely on the up and up

  3. The only way I can see the election being somewhat accurate is for the Republicans to win by such a large margin that the Democrats cannot cheat without it being completely obvious.

    1. The trouble with this philosophy is that as democrats win more elections through fraud their cheating becomes more brazen, and hence the margin necessary to win despite fraud becomes larger and larger.

      In the 00's winning by a thousand votes could be enough. Now winning by hundreds of thousands of votes may not be enough. There were certainly blatant shenanigans in Arizona, and there were plenty of shenanigans in the last elections in Georgia (I haven't paid close attention to whether they repeated last night.) So fraud is now obvious, but it still happens, meaning that the only way to prevent it by sheer numbers is to have a landslide election to end all landslide elections. I'm talking 65%+ of the vote. And the fact is that probably 40% or so of the population has bought into death cult propaganda so hard that you can't reach them.

      The Republicans have one or maybe two election cycles to do something about fraud before they get into a position where they can never win again. There are some signs of hope, Florida in particular turned things around in terms of fraud, but most of the country may be too far gone.

  4. Well Shea's twitter this morning has reached levels of unbearable and smug that you would have never thought possible.

    1. Thankfully I can't see Twitter at this point unless someone shows me. Even links don't work. Not sure why, but I have no desire to fix it. From what I saw going in, Mark has seriously gone bye-bye. The type of rhetoric of his that I did see is actually dangerous. The type you typically see bantered about by individuals buying out large numbers of seats on airplanes on a weekday morning. Again, it's a testimony to apologetics in the Catholic Church that he is a paid apologist and gets thumbs up from actual clergy and Catholic organizations.


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