
Thursday, September 8, 2022

RIP Queen Elizabeth

The only British monarch of my lifetime, she was a giant among giants.  She, and her era, will be missed.  I'm sure there will be no shortage of commentary and coverage in the coming days.  For now, prayers for her, and thanks for the lifetime of service.  


  1. Oh wow... This seems totally unreal to me... Honestly hearing that she's passed away hit me like a truck. Somehow, I guess I almost expected her to keep living forever... wow...

    1. Tell me. I imagined she would be around forever. She's the only queen of England I've ever known. I think it will take many of us a long time to adjust.

  2. (Tom New Poster)
    I am numismatist and perhaps a third of the coins in my collection feature her image. We Americans are reflexively against kings (although happy by degrees to turn our presidents into emperors), but I would humbly refuse to oppose what I had never studied when it produces a society approximately as free as my own.

    1. Yes, already we're seeing 'but she was British - you know, the most evil empire in history' - written by people who owe their ideas of freedom and liberty to that same tradition. Interestingly, I saw a cool visual tracing the history of Queen Elizabeth on British currency. In addition to being a long video - 70 years - it was quite interesting.

  3. I found it interesting for me that she died at my mother's age of 96 though my mom is still alive and she was coronated the year of my birth in 1952. I never knew life without the Queen being part of it.

    1. My mom is five years her junior. That is, what moderns would call, coincidence to be sure. In the olden days, they might ascribe more meaning to it than we do today. Though back in the day, the rainbows that rose as they lowered the flag would be more than a neat internet meme.


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