
Friday, September 2, 2022

And a happy birthday to our number second son

So our second oldest just passed his 24th Birthday a bit ago.  To celebrate, he's decided to open his own business with his fiancéeThat's where we'll be over the next several days.  That, and getting ready for the new school year for our youngest, will keep me more than busy.

In addition to his birthday, he finally received his college diploma.  He graduated last year but, times being what they are, didn't receive it until the weekend of his birthday.  So it's official!

We are, of course, extremely proud of him.  We're proud of all of our sons.  Each one has forged his special little path in life (or is in the process of), all of which are radically different from one another.  So far, each has managed to move ahead according to plan, even when the plans have hit the rough spots (see our former gourmet chef's sudden food allergy). 

But to open your own business, to take that leap out and grasp at the ultimate American dream - that's something.  We won't even discuss them doing so at such a young age.  I've told him that come Labor Day, when the doors open, he and his fiancée will have done what 90% of Americans only dream about doing.  Yes, I know.  The odds are long and stats are stacked against them.  They know this, too.  But as I've told my boys their entire lives, if you don't try, then at least you know for sure you will fail.  The only real benefit of not trying: an assurance you don't want. 

Nonetheless, because of it all, and a few other little obligations tossed on the fire, I'll be scarce over the next several days.  Likely well into next week.  So have a safe and blessed Labor Day weekend.  Enjoy this last gasp of summer as we turn to Fall, that wonderful season of seasons.  Till then, TTFN.


  1. Hoping they'll be able to make rent out of the business. And that you'll be seeing some grandchildren in a couple of years. Now if you can just get those other two married off....

    1. That's their goal early on. Again, they have no illusions about what they're doing. As for the others, someday I'm sure, if it's God's will for them to go down such a path.


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