
Wednesday, August 10, 2022


In three ... two ... one.  The story of four Muslim men murdered in Albuquerque exploded on the news feeds this last weekend.  Multiple broadcasts reported on the obvious connection between the victims.  President Biden jumped in.  Authorities expressed concern for the Muslim community.  By Monday that was one of the lead stories at the top of the morning news across the networks.  Concerns about Islamaphobic hate crimes on the rise were mused on as Albuquerque  officials rushed to protect mosques and other Muslim centers.

Then the news broke last night that a suspect was apprehended.  A Muslim.  Of possible Middle Eastern descent.  They mentioned it this morning on the back end of the first hour of the broadcasts.  This obviously wasn't what the press had hoped for, because we all know what the press was hoping.  So I'd say that's that.  The whole thing will be dropped like a hot potato.  By Friday Albuquerque will return to its rightful place as the location where Bugs Bunny should have turned left. 

RIP to the victims and their families.  Their pain of loss will continue, even if the coverage they might have received will not.  


  1. Strange I never saw this story anywhere in the news before it faded away. But sometimes I wonder if people I know see stories I our VP in Korea's DM zone saying how strong our alliance is with NORTH Korea, or our prez looking around for a Rep at a conference who passed away the previous month. (My rep actually, Jackie Walorski. Sad accident.) Anyway, yes, RIP to the victims.

    1. Just a heads up, from here on out if I comment I will comment as my confirmation name.


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