
Saturday, July 23, 2022

He's alive!

Ohio senate candidate J.D. Vance is alive!  Rumors were beginning to swirl here in the Buckeye State.  Since he won the primary election, we've seen neither hide nor hair of the man.  No commercials.  No ads.  No Super PACS.  Nothing.  I've not seen local GOP threads mentioning him.  There has been no news from local Republicans of any appearances or talks or get-togethers.  Nothing.  If it wasn't for his opponent Tim Ryan, you'd never hear Vance mentioned.

So at least he's alive.  He talked to FOX - a national news outlet - so barring conspiracy theories, he's up and moving.  Why he's decided to follow the Biden principle of staying underground and pretending like he doesn't exist, I don't know.  It worked for Biden because he had the DNC, the MSM and most major institutions in our country on his side.  Vance does not have that benefit. 

That's why I can't figure it out.  Why ignoring Ohio, Ohio voters and keeping away from us and not promoting his campaign appears to be his strategy.  You can bet the results won't be to your favor when the only one talking about you is the one who wants to defeat you. 


  1. Hm. Looks like he may be out of money. Of course that's Daily Beast so I trust it about as well as I do most snakes. Washington Examiner has a bit more detail but does report something similar.

    I do wonder if it's a bit like that feedback loop in the last article hints at. The darker theory is that I understood him to be running as anti-establishment and well... the establishment may now be showing exactly how it can screw someone over. As with all things in politics, we'll probably never know the truth until years later.

    1. Possibly. But even on local and state GOP sites, there's no mention of him, and local news hasn't mentioned him in months. We literally haven't heard from him since the primaries. Even if he was shut down by some vast conspiracy, news would leak out if he was going from place to place. But literally nothing.

  2. He's fine. Peter Thiel has deep pockets.

    Vance and Blake Masters are the two best Senate candidates we've seen in a really long time. Hoping they both win.

    1. I'm actually not a huge Vance fan, but I just note he's nowhere to be seen. I've not seen or heard from him since the primaries. Not in the local news, not in regional news, not from GOP local or state press releases. I'm hearing about others, and I'm hearing from others. But so far, nothing from Vance. This is the first I've seen.


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