
Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Sean P. Dailey responds to the Roe decision

 And a cross between repulsion and hilarity ensues:

If you want the story, here it is.  Apparently pro-abortion protesters were crossing a street.  The light was green and they were crossing appropriately.  Then the light changed, but the protesters kept on crossing. delaying traffic.  A verbal confrontation ensued and the truck then drove through the marchers, allegedly running over the foot of one of the marchers.  

If you set aside marchers' attempts to portray this as the most horrid crime against humanity since the January 6th, it's enough to say we know nothing of the truck driver, the details, what was actually said, or anything.  This is what police say they believe as of now, and that's all. 

Yet Daily rushes in and makes it an indictment and condemnation of all pro-lifers.  Unhinged rage and blind disregard for facts in order to stoke tribalist hatred reminds us that being a veteran like Dailey is not an antidote against the sins that plague humanity.


  1. Some three dozen crisis pregnancy centers have been vandalized - or worse. But yeah, it's those murderous pro-lifers who need to be called out.

    1. If it was even matching kind for kind it would be bad enough to do so by ignoring violence on the other side. But this isn't even close. That second link had a lawyer consulted by the local news station who said it's likely not a big deal, the driver appears to be trying to drive slowly to avoid any problems. It's the protesters who seem to almost stay in front of him until one allegedly has her foot run over. And they act like it's a near terrorist attack - just for people like Sean to run with sans facts, or common sense.


    Where's a traffic cone when you need one?

  3. More wisdom from the former editor of Gilbert!. Has Dale Ahlquist ever said why he hired him and why he fired him?

    1. Come to think of it, I've not heard anything about Dale for quite some time. True, my main source was always Mark Shea, and I don't follow him anymore. But even up to a few years ago it seemed as if Dale had fallen off the edge, so rare was it I heard anything about him. Was a time, ages ago in the mid to early 00s, he was constantly referenced. I think the last time I recall anyone talking of him was Dawn Eden and some talk she gave about the anti-Semitism of Chesterton.

  4. Dale is busy with the Chesterton Schools Network. He is still alive and generally joyful, praise be to God!


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