
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Scott Eric Alt responds to the Roe decision

 In standard leftwing Catholic form:

That is, take that which is an indisputable truth of historical Catholicism and reduce it to a disagreement over which we can respectfully agree to disagree.  Meanwhile, take various leftwing narratives and policies and activism - like gun control as the hope for our nation - and elevate it to the same level as sacred dogma.

You see, there is a difference between abortion - a grave and intrinsic evil - and gun control.  One is a Church teaching, one is a political proposal that might or might not work.  But for those who compromise with the modern Left, that difference must necessarily be blurred, forever blurred. Otherwise, what can he say?  Hurray?  It's great we just walked back one of the grave injustices of our modern age?  I don't think so. 


  1. Well I suppose another point is that abortion is no where to be seen in the US Constitution. It was never a "right" but a Supreme Court decision. It was never the law of the land for it was never a law. Congress is the only body in our government that can legislate and pass laws. The US Supreme Court cannot. On the other hand our right to self defense with arms(such as guns) is clearly written as a Right to Bear Arms in the 2nd amendment. Pretty clear to me eh?

    1. These sorts of woke Catholics favor the creation of an integralist state that never upsets the left. In other words, they're just left-wing totalitarians who happen to believe in God.

    2. I've heard that argument made, even by legal analysts who otherwise support the rights the decision bestowed. I've certainly heard it from opponents of the decision. To me, that speaks volumes right there.

  2. Scott's better than that. Oh well.

    1. No, he isn't.

    2. I think he used to be. As did Deacon Greydanus, Dawn Eden, and so many who begin that slide down the leftwing activist side of the aisle.

  3. It's not the job of the SCOTUS to be "pro-life," its job is to interpreted the Constitution vis-a-vis the legality of various state and federal laws. This does not mean, however, that a given decision of the SCOTUS (overturning Roe) cannot be aligned with pro-life goals albeit imperfectly.

    1. Leftist Catholics will admit this, but only when the Supreme Court rules in a way that lines up with leftwing policies (but which they pretend to be personally opposed to.)

      So for example on the matter of same-sex marriage they will say that it's not the court's job to reflect Catholic teaching but only to apply US law fairly. (Of course, that ruling was made up out of whole cloth without respect for US law, but that's another issue.)

    2. I think that is true. Like so many things, it may not be in itself a pro-life or not pro-life body, but its decisions can certainly swing one way or another.

  4. Is Abortion part of that whole "Badicaf Care," thing Joe Biden promised?

    1. I think abortion is foundational for the Left. How do you convince a pretty free, prosperous and charitable country to throw it all away? Promise everyone they can get whatever they want consequence-free. Problem with sex, there are sometimes consequences that the best prevention won't stop. Enter abortion. The good thing about the last several days is how many abortion activists have thrown down the mask and admitted they wanted abortion for one reason and one reason only - sex, and lots of it.

  5. COUNTERPOINT: Scott is a moron, and everybody who obtains an abortion is a murderer. Hope that helps.

    1. Catholics like Scott and the current pope will continue to appease the left, even as it slaughters millions of children and destroys their churches. I really hope their support for the BLM riots was worth it. Awful people.

      A friend of mine likes to quip that Catholicism is just leftism with extra steps. Obviously #NotAllCatholics, but you know what? It's a funny quip.

    2. Were that he was a moron. He actually isn't. That's the problem. If he and others were just morons, we'd all have a good laugh and move on. But they can use their intellect to weave webs of subtlety and nuance around tacit defenses for evil, blasphemy, tyranny or whatever it is the modern left is dishing out.

  6. Again, the gun control narrative is an effort to pin the blame for slum crime on gun owners, only an odd minority of whom live in slums or have any inclination to engage in violent crime. It's fairly transparent social scapegoating.

    If you want to reduce the quantum of violent crime in this country, there's a turnkey program available. Liberals are hostile to that program because it relies on occupational groups they despise (cops) and is predicated on the notion that common-and-garden moral sentiments are correct, properly animate public administration, and can be properly imposed on Democratic Party clients.

  7. Scott Eric Alt is just a sycophant for Mark Shea. Whatever Shea says Alt just repeats.

  8. Who nominated Scott Alt as an "Apologist" anyway? He is simply Grover Dill to Mark Shea's Scut Farkus. He adds nothing to anything. All he does is belittle faithful Catholics. There is nothing Catholic about Alt. His religion is leftism.

    1. I've often said he's Sancho to Mark's Don Quixote. Whatever you think of Scott, he's not plunged to the level of unreality that Mark has entered. But he has long been Mark's toady. Back in the day when anyone criticized Mark, Scott would rush in and defend Mark, as if it was his paid position. As far as who nominated him? That's the bane of the Internet Era. The Internet Era nominated him, and that's all anyone needs today.


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