
Thursday, June 30, 2022

Rod Dreher responds to the Roe decision

I must say, this is probably the best way to respond.  Would that I have taken time out of my schedule to do the same:

Rod has his issues.  I think of Rod as a sort of Thomas Paine figure. He may see the light in many ways, but he isn't who I want for president.  Rod sees some matters clearly, more clearly than many Christians have wanted to admit.  That's not to say I want Rod leading the pack.  For reasons, he isn't reliable or trustworthy enough to do that.  

But he gets it right too often to ignore. And in this case, he got it absolutely right.  As believers we should rush to God and praise Him for what has happened.  For it wasn't just Trump or the GOP or pro-life Christians who aligned the stars for this strange event (how often has a one term presidents in the modern era seated three Supreme Court justices?), but the Almighty. 


  1. That's probably what makes Rod the most frustrating sometimes. Especially when he arrives at the position he was scolding you for the day before. Like you said, a great public response, and I am grateful he at least eventually reaches the right conclusion. It would just be nice to hear him acknowledge once in awhile, "i stand corrected - sorry people I doubted earlier."

    1. Yeah, he hits it right about 2/3 of the time. And he has had the guts to point out the obvious about how far we have fallen and how difficult it is going to be for believers not used to difficult faith walks. With that said, that 1/3 of the time is often stunningly bad. Be it Trump, Covid lockdowns or Global Warming, he suddenly becomes 100% on the side that he otherwise decries as a threat to mankind. I think that's why I value his input, but would never want him leading a charge into the fray.

  2. I think you and Rod are right - praising God for this answer to so many years of prayer is the right response. And yet it wasn't my first response, and I'm wondering why. Perhaps it has something to do with all the negative response on social media and news, and all the distortion of the true issues at stake - making it out to be all about women's rights instead of babies' lives.

    But I also wonder if it isn't unbelief in my own heart, and fear of the reaction of those who support abortion. The other day I overheard your son reading my daughter the story of Peter's escape from prison in Acts 12. That story always makes me smile, but also makes me wonder if I am just like those in the prayer meeting who wouldn't believe Rhoda when she told them Peter was waiting outside. They had probably been praying for him, but when God actually delivered him, it seemed too good to be true!

    Last year, my oldest son was reading Arguing Against Slavery, about John Quincy Adams' long campaign to end slavery in America. He told me he hoped that one day abortion would be as unthinkable as slavery now was. I think his faith has been stronger than mine.

    1. Oops, that book title is actually Arguing about Slavery.

      I just read an article comparing the overturning of Roe v. Wade to the ending of the original Star Wars movie - thought it was a good analogy. Here's the link if you're interested:

    2. I know what you mean. I don't think it was for nothing that Jesus pulled a child over to demonstrate our role model for faith. Kids have a certain willingness to believe that adults find difficult, especially adults who live in a society of such rampant and evangelistic secularism. Sometimes it's just tough to believe in general, and you can't help wondering if Paul had a point about how foolish we would be if none of it happened. But that's where remembering the child's faith kicks in. I know it isn't easy. But sometimes consider the fruits of the trees, and compare the fruits of the world with the fruits witnessed by those who believe. That is often a help for me.


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