
Friday, May 13, 2022

I blame Gutenberg

 Yep, this is his fault:

When books are this cheap and easy, you get the above book on a Barnes and Noble bookshelf.  Personally I could come up with at least one or two other important speeches before stumbling on anything young Ms. Thunberg has to say.

The problem isn't just the proliferation of books, however. I only jesting.  It's that the above cover reflects the dominant media narrative.  Per the media, Ms. Thunberg is one of the most important people of our age.  Because the media says so, that's why. 

It almost makes you rethink anything we've ever heard from the media over the years, don't it. 


  1. Greta is cute (probably a bit young for sombody like you but I'm only 23), and she seems nice enough, but she isn't the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree by a longshot. I suspect this whole climate thing is a passing fad. When China, Russia and the US inevitably fall into civil war and possible balkanization, leading to India, Indonesia, Poland, and Brazil becoming world powers while Egypt collapses under the weight of Ethiopia daming the Nile (leading to mass Arab migration into Europe, with the inevitable chaos that will cause) and Turkey battles Iran to conquer Syria and Iraq and re-build the Ottoman Empire (at least the Eastern portion, as they aren't likely to penatrate too far into the Balkans this time and Isreal blocks their route to Egypt), dopes like Thunberg will be forgotten. Putin was right when he called her a kind but missinformed teen.

    1. Heh. Yeah, she's a bit young for me, unless it's looking for daughter material. But you're right. She's simply a human shield, to use the popular term. The old 'you wouldn't be mean to a young girl would you' as she belches hellfire on anyone who questions the politics of global warming. It's sad really, but I've learned moderns to the left have few quibbles about using any trick to get their way.

  2. Having Greta on the cover of a book just shows how shallow and ignorant the media is. If the media requires to be led by a child who feels her oats enough to scold adults 'how dare you!' then they have absolutely no right in even pretending to know what the hell they are even talking about on the evening news, much less in trying to convince us that Greta, puppet of her masters who are looking to make money from her appearances, should actually be listened to. Man-made climate change has been, is and will always be BS. But! It is a money maker for sure!

    1. That was my point. We are one shallow and sad era, informed by a superficial and lame media corps. She is a puppet and we all know it. But the media also knows it can do anything however ridiculous - like the above book cover - and there it is. Do it often enough, and there will be people who accept the narrative as true.

  3. Comment at 5:45 AM is mine.


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