
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Dawn Eden and which lives matter

In the below thread.   

Note the necessity of assuming ill motives for questioning BLM. A not uncommon approach in progressive discourse.  It doesn't seem to occur to her that many think it's heads-up-a-donkey's-derriere stupid to enshrine in future generations the idea that saying All Lives Matter is a bad thing.   Which is only another generation away from being convinced all lives couldn't possibly matter since saying they do is obviously wicked and evil.  Which is one more generation from the pressing need to discuss just which lives logically don't matter.

But that couldn't be.  It has to be that people disagree with BLM for some deficiency of character.  To her credit, she doesn't lean on the idea that anyone questioning BLM or wanting to say All Lives Matter must be racist.  That's it's own level of stupidity.  She leaves it with assuming some degree of cowardice, or perhaps political prejudice.  

For the record, I think black and white lives matter, as I think Asian lives matter, Hispanic lives matter, poor lives matter, rich lives matter, Muslim lives matter, Jewish lives matter, Socialist lives matter, MAGA lives matter, Donald Trump lives matter, President Biden lives matter, Christian lives matter, even Baptist lives matter.  And that's just the tipping point. 

I'm that much of a radical.  I'm sure Ms. Eden agrees with me. Or I hope she does. Because if we're already told not to say All Lives Matter, and then become further chastised for pointing out the wide range of lives that do matter, then it won't be generations we have to wait to see which lives are determined not to matter at all.  We'll already be seeing it. 

I will point out one queer statement she made above.  She says some who call themselves pro-life sin by committing murder.  She then says yet Catholics still call themselves pro-life. Theologically that's a train wreck approach to reasoning.  I'm not sure what she even means.  If she was typing it while driving on the freeway during rush hour in a hailstorm it might explain it.  But I can't fathom what she means by some professed pro-lifers sin and commit murder and other crimes, thus it's bad Catholics call themselves pro-life?  I was going to respond with a quip until I realized I couldn't come close to guessing what she is getting at. 

UPDATE:  It's sad isn't it:

I know she must feel brave and quite the crusader, but for those who live outside the Matrix, we can see it for what it is. 


  1. To make her point effectively Dawn Eden should post:

    "Black Lives Matter

    All Lives Matter"

    I say this because many on the left are completely allergic to the phrase "All Live Matter" for the same type of reasons that Dawn is criticizing here, i.e. that it is an "enemy phrase." If she cannot say "All Lives Matter" but can say "Black Lives Matter" that does not show that she is willing to use phrases if they are true, regardless of their connotations, but only that she is on the same side as the BLM organization and so doesn't mind the phrase for that reason.

    (And hey, I'm not asking her to say anything really controversial like "It's okay to be white.")

    1. You've got that right. "Black Lives Matter," and "All Lives Matter," are both true statements. Most Americans, Black or White, Red State of Blue, agree with both statements. The MAGA and Woke factions are just arguing semantics.

    2. OK to be white? You go to far. But you're correct. I consider it one of the most successful coups against the common good that so many Christians have accepted the idea that all lives matter is a poisonous statement. You're also right in pointing out the problem with her reasoning. Perhaps Ms. Eden wouldn't have an issue saying what she didn't say. But if she did - as many do - it would be for the exact same reason that she is accusing those who question the BLM mantra.

  2. The progression you present will not take nearly as many generations as you give it. It's like a crack forming in some critical structure. It may start small and grow slowly for years, but in the fraction of a second before complete failure, it moves very, very fast -- largely because the larger the crack, the less material there is to oppose its growth.

    But there is another reason why it has to spread quickly, or not at all: this progression really only works in an intact society. If it destroys society, it no longer works. If some other crisis disrupts society, it might become "yesterday's news".

    1. Wokeness will probably burn out under the weight of it's own stupidity.

    2. The question is simply how much damage will be done to society before Wokeness self-destructs.

    3. It's possible. I wouldn't have thought I would live to see the day where scientists are compelled to say men can have babies. Outside of a comedy movie, that was never on the horizon. But then I never thought I would see a poll like CBS reporting that over 40% of Americans would favor government censorship either, so there you go.

    4. "The question is simply how much damage will be done to society before Wokeness self-destructs." Of course I could be wrong, but I suspect we will have to become a "valley of dry bones" before these bones can live again. So, roughly the damage that was done to Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar.

  3. Broad's 54 years old. There isn't much excuse for being susceptible to fads at that age. What did the theological academy do to her brain?

    1. Well, I don't think the term broad will get you far in modern discourse. But she did get her doctoral degree, and before that she wasn't like this. I don't know if that is the problem, or she's just going the logical way of those who cozy to the Left. But it is worth pondering.

    2. Yeah, I think the term broad should have gone the way of calling one's father 'my old man'. It's below the level of discourse we should be having especially in a Catholic milieu. There is too much disrespect in the use of those terms.

    3. Anon, to be honest I don't mind 'old man', and sometimes refer to myself as such when my boys are around. But I get the point. I don't know where some of these terms come from, but in most cases, I feel they weren't there to build people up.

    4. I don't think I'll be calling God the Father 'my old man' anytime soon lol.

    5. Was this post supposed to be building Dawn Eden up?

    6. Yeah, I think the term broad should have gone the way of calling one's father 'my old man'. It's below the level of discourse we should be having especially in a Catholic milieu. There is too much disrespect in the use of those terms.

      I'm not susceptible to fads. And I don't care for Pecksniffs.

    7. And I don't care for people masquerading as a Christian while demeaning others.

    8. I don't care for people pretending they will be the ones separating the sheep from the goats at the Last Judgment. Sorry, Bob, but that's way above your pay grade,

    9. At the end of the day, I don't think it was that big of a deal. I pointed it out because for folks of my generation, that's a word that hasn't been used except in jest. But different times and different meanings. After all, consider the word gay. I don't think it means something about someone whose age and time of upbringing differs from the latest sensitivities.

  4. When Bob from the Internet shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: and before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

    There might be a small problem with that quote.

  5. I was going to respond with a quip until I realized I couldn't come close to guessing what she is getting at.

    She may not know either. She may be coming into her own as a wine aunt. Emphasis on wine.

    1. Not that any one side of any issue holds a monopoly on people saying strange and incoherent things. I just notice that those Catholics who swing left seem to make it a habit. Almost as if the Left and Catholicism are not that compatible, and attempts to make them fit lead to crazy ramblings like hers.

  6. I remember the Dawn Eden who wasn't a professional scold.

    I wonder what happened to her.

    1. Sadly, she's not the only one going in that direction. I'm sure any particular side can see people become that way, but it seems almost mandatory for those aligning with the political left.

    2. I really hate to put this out there.

      I specifically recall the days when she was a must-read, about a decade ago & earlier. At some point around then, I was hearing about the release of her book on being a victim of sexual abuse, and was looking forward to reading it. But right around the time of its release, her output changed quite dramatically. I had second thoughts, and never did get around to reading it. Her descent continued apace.

      Now YMMV but I do subscribe to the obvious and unspoken assumption being made here. Even if wrong, for both her experience and her descent she is in need of our prayers.


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