
Friday, April 1, 2022

The real reason orthodox believers got behind Donald Trump

As well as conservatives and not a few non-conservatives who aren't sold on the whole leftwing package.  I mean, Trump was far, far from conservatism and conservatives on many levels.  Why the appeal?

The answer is easy.  Because they're all sexist and racist Nazi, that's why.  Or hypocrites.  Or all three.  Or not. Seriously, I think the reason is quite different.   I don't think that Trump was a slam at those rascally liberals, or a middle finger to the Left and its media outlets.  

At the end of the day, I think Trump was an indictment on all of those in the 'professional resistance professions' who had let believers and conservatives down for decades.  I mean the token conservatives on Sunday morning talk shows.  Or high profile religious leaders who seemed to have one foot in the Left's camp through much of the work week.  Or the Republicans who seemed to promise sun and moon and stars, only to go silent the day after elections. 

It was a growing suspicion that a sizeable number of individuals they imagined were prepared to stand on the hill and resist the barbarian hordes were, in fact, priming themselves for leaping down the slopes and joining the barbarian hordes.  Some had, for years, made it clear their loyalty to traditional Judeo-Christian, Western values and traditions was only in the 'token non-liberal' job description.

Others seemed to be strangely drifting as the years went  along.  Some of these were religious leaders and other similar figures.  They still talked the talk: abortion bad, gay sex culture bad, assaults on religious liberty really bad, Marxism and anti-Westernism bad, Christian Gospel good - but there were these hints.  There were subtle little developments that seemed to suggest more and more of these people were looking for an out as well.  

Like Saruman in The Lord of the Rings, these supposed faithful saw the power rising in the East, and they darn well knew it was time to show that power who its friends and enemies were.  As the Left began to shed all premises of tolerance, diversity, inclusion and respect for dissent, and as that same Left was making strides monopolizing more and more of our nation's social and cultural pillars, and as a new generation of power players, billionaires and corporate bosses aligned with this Left, it was clear that holding to that old time religion and apple pie Americana was going to be like waving the Hammer and Sickle in Washington in the early 1950s. 

Trump did little more than confirm their suspicions.  While some "Never-Trumpers" seem to remain committed to the cause, even if they sometimes join with the Power for the really important business of defeating Trump, most have simply jumped ship.  The majority of such religious, political, media and other figures who declared Trump the new Satan and his followers Nazis all, have more or less signed up for the very forces they once claimed to oppose, and have happily ditched many, if not all, of those cherished values they once seemed to embrace. 

In some cases, it must be stated that many who are swinging to the Left of center and aligning with this new power in the world are not ones who were part of this cadre of ideological mimes.  For instance:

Didn't see that one coming. Not from Dawn Eden. That's harsh, and borderline libel.  The others I don't know, but Rod Dreher?  I disagree with Rod over many things, and he can yield as many misses as hits.  But to suggest he's part of some clandestine ultra-right club dedicated to the service of Putin, simply because an international abortion activist says so, is not anything I would have expected from Ms. Eden a decade ago.   That she makes the dig about Carlson is just boilerplate partisan rhetoric - Rod has railed against Carlson as often as he's praised him.  It's simply the same partisan bilge that Shea would do: damnation by association. Leftwing partisan hackery 101.  

Whether Ms. Eden, or someone like Beth Moore, or even Deacon Stephen Greydanus, have only gone this way because they can't believe Trump was elected, or they're caving and getting with the Power in the East, is hard to say.  But they confirmed, I think, what many who fell behind Trump had already begun to suspect.

That is, for many generations, a growing swath of the faithful, those in the West, Americans, and conservatives were, in fact, abandoning the Faith and heritage of our Fathers.  Some made it obvious, others were a bit more tricksy.  But the orthodox faithful were seeing that many who they had trusted to stand with them to carry the banner had, in fact, been bilking them all along. Or, at best, they were losing heart and caving.  And what's more, many might have been ready to throw the white flag and join the opposition, they just didn't know it yet. 

If Trump did nothing else, like drawing puss from a wound, he drew out those who had long been shafting the ones they were supposed to defend.  He also, I'm afraid, became a slick excuse for multitudes of others who had no stomach for the upcoming fight, and gave them an all important out. He gave them an excuse that will allow them to be faithful on any given Sunday, while making sure they report to court with the rest of the prophets to keep their reservation in the next big party in Manhattan, Harvard or Hollywood.  You know, all the places where that Power in the East can be found. 


  1. It's easy to condemn Trump and his followers but what many of us do not see amidst all the hatred that was slung at him is that the unborn had a champion. No president was greater than he in his protection of the unborn. He was also a champion of freedom of religion. On top of all of that Trump never called himself a devoted Christian. Yes, he stood up for Christianity though having his own problems in following the faith. I do believe when he mentioned God he meant it. At the moment we have a president who IS Catholic, who his associates call devoted, whom the bishops supported and Pope who was happy with his election. America, if this past election was valid, chose a man who supports the murder of the unborn children and supports the murder of the souls of children in school by supporting the teaching or CRT, transgenderism and homosexuality. Show me what Trump has down that is worse than this.

    Trump sent mean tweets, called his adversaries names, many of them childish names and set the way for other politicians to realize they can stand up to the left and push back. And yes, he drew out the pus of the liberals and called a spade a spade. He had many faults. Many, but what he did for the unborn and for religion for me 'trumps' his childishness in other areas. I supported Trump after the primaries but did not vote for him in the primaries. I am 69 and have seen the GOP sit on their hands, kept silent, didn't push back against the lies and crimes of the Dems and realize that I now refuse to vote for someone supported by the GOP because that's who they want for president. I'm a conservative but no longer Republican. I am Independent. I took a chance with Trump and I'm glad I did. He has more than stirred up politics in ways no one would have thought 6 -7 years ago. And that to me is a good thing.

    1. I also didn't vote for Trump. And there were parts of him I legitimately opposed. My biggest concern arose from his tendency to see those who support him and those who are his enemies. We saw that when he joined the narrative to bash those who weren't vaccinated - because he was trying to take credit for saving the world with the vaccine. That said, I wasn't stupid enough to oppose a man who was making things better for more Americans. And like Reagan, we can never know if he really believed in some of the stances he took, but he took them. And in some cases, such as the fight for life and dignity of marriage, that was a fight needing all the help it could get.

  2. Tucker Carlson has said and done questionable things, but calling him pro-Putin is absurd

    1. I don't watch Fox, and only know of Carlson from what others post. I would doubt that Carlson is in any pro-Putin camp. Unless you are part of that weird movement now that says we must do something unnamed or you're a Putin supporter. Which Ms. Eden, sadly, seems to have joined.


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