
Thursday, March 10, 2022

When the Three Joes became the patron saints of America's higher education

That is, Joe McCarthy, Joe Goebbels, and Joe Stalin.  In this case, it's the University of Washington going after a celebrated researcher with a long career working on a cure for, of all things, HIVwhile working to aid Africans.  Her crime?  She's white.  That's what the crime actually is.  The excuse?  She - I can hardly bring myself to write it - showed up at a Halloween party in 2009 dressed like Michael Jackson. 

If we put aside our identities as 21st Century Americans by trying to remember the past, we'll recall that Michael Jackson died that year.  As a result, many tributes emerged involving Americans of all skin colors - even including the wrong skin colors - dressing like the gloved one.  That was in response to the press doing its typical about face and going from pre-death Wacko-Jacko, to post-death Musical Genius Pioneer of the ages.  

But who can tell with the Left?  I didn't think people would be fighting to teach kindergarteners the glories of gay sex and genitals.  But here we are.  If you don't say men can get pregnant then naturally some on the Left want you fired.  So the thought that a white skin dressing like a black skin for any reason can be used to retroactively destroy an esteemed career should be as shocking as gas fumes at a gas station. And far more explosive. 

The saddest part?  I have a gut feeling she thought she was being perfectly obedient to the leftist celebration of Jackson by turning out dressed like that bold Civil Rights activists who broke the MTV race barrier.  Now?  Sorry.  You just can't be leftist enough.  And without even having total power yet, the Left let's us all know what is in store for everyone: Not only can our lives be destroyed for what we do, they can be destroyed because of who and what we are and what we may ever have done in the past.  Yet most seem to want this, so there you go. 


  1. Again, there is an administrator at UW or a set of them professing to take the complaint seriously. At this public institution. What is that person's name? Where do they live? Why aren't they being run out of their job?

    1. I think we can assume that those who could run them out of their jobs are the ones happy to see this story unfolding the way it is.


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