
Friday, February 4, 2022

When China became America's master

When our Speaker of the House told our Olympic athletes to avoid angering China.  Really.  I looked it up to make sure it wasn't some right wing lie.  She actually told them to avoid angering China.  And she's one of the most powerful politicians in Washington.

I know.  It's smart, it's logical.  And it's the 21st Century.  If did speak out and they got swept away by China, what could America do?  America is close to becoming a 2nd World country.  I think we know it. I think the World knows it.  This is why Madison Avenue, Wall Street, Hollywood, the NBA, and not a few other industries and interests are embracing the anti-Westernism of the Left, while sucking up to .  

As my oldest son said, and it was true: We grew up in the Age of Democracy because the people with the wealth and power in the 18th Century felt it was in their best interest to build a world striving for freedom, democracy and equality.  Now, the people with the wealth and power no longer see value in a world striving for freedom, democracy and equality. In fact, as they see the billions that countries antithetical to such principles are enjoying, it might just be that our best and brightest see such things as freedom, democracy and equality as obstacles to their best interests. 


  1. If you're not confident that the 'host' country is not going to pull an Otto Warmbier on your athletes, you have to ask (1) why this country was awarded the games and (2) why you're sending teams.

    1. My thoughts exactly. It's funny, all my life a big source of criticism of the US (among millions of criticisms) was that we didn't immediately step on Germany and, worse, even went to things like the 36 Olympics. Now look at us. I think that's why you don't want to spend all your time judging and trashing people in history or you might end up worse than them if you don't pay attention.

  2. We need to pull out troops out of Europe, cut the Federal Army, Beef up the Navy and Space Force, turn the Japan, Taiwan, Phillipenes, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam chain into an unbreakable battleline, and prepare to sanction the heck out of China. Europe can either learn to defend itself or become a Russian vassel. Either way Putin is none of our business. China is a real Geopolitical threat. Russia is a distraction.

    1. I don't know that I'd so quickly dismiss Putin and Russia. I do think China is the premier threat to the world and to freedom and life. But that's not to say we can easily ignore others, including the encroachment of Islamic interests into the West and even the US.

    2. Putin and Islam promote traditionalist and patriarchal ideas that are disliked by nearly everyone in the West. In fact, Islam with it's opposition to homosexuality and abortion and belief in the nuclear family can be an ally against the Left. China has control over much of American culture, business and government and is a direct threat to our supply of Taiwanese, Korean and Japanese electronics. Russia is, at worst, a threat to a couple small nations in Eastern Europe. Putin Isn't a nice guy, but he's no threat to is.

    3. Islam is fat too divided to pose any real Geopolitical threat to us. Russia is nearly landlocked. China is probably the only nation on earth with the potential to match American naval power.

    4. I don't think in terms of a dozen Islamic tank divisions there is a threat. It is divided. We're seeing that now as many Islamic countries happily turn a blind eye to the persecution of Muslims in China. On the other hand, Islam has risen in power and influence in our country and Europe since 9/11 (one of the weirdest twists in history). Whether convenience, fear or whatever, we've seen our leaders and European leaders appear quite happy to hand the keys over to the Muslim world, while turning on any who might dare question the superiority of the Islamic way.


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