
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

I don't know if it's in bad taste or not

 But it made me chuckle:


  1. Putin is just a distraction so China can invade Taiwan

    1. I think both invasions with occur within weeks of each other in order to discombomulate(sp?) Biden. It'll work

    2. That's why we should pull out of Europe. Check na is 10 times the threat Russia is

    3. I agree that China is the more direct threat, but I don't think Russia is no threat. Nor, for that matter, is the encroachment of Islam. There are several major threats that will likely define the coming century. I agree, however, that China is the biggest.

    4. Russia is a threat to a few unimportant Slavic nations. Muslims are a mix, some being sellouts who abandon key Islamic ideas to join the left, others being useful idiots who will likely be purged when they've outlived their usefulness. With their belief in the nuclear family, opposition to homosexuality and dislike of abortion, they might be useful allies.

    5. As I said, I don't think there is a more immediate threat than China. I simply don't believe there are no other threats than China. I'm reminded of how, in the 1930s, much of the concern in the West centered around the Soviet Union and the proliferation of communism. Some goofy leader in Germany with a Charlie Chaplin mustache was small beans. Until it wasn't.

      Same here. China is an immediate threat, but there are multiple forces at work, all of which are working for the demise of the West and the station the US has occupied for generations. In some ways, that is helping China. Focusing on China is one thing. Ignoring everything else might end up just as badly as ignoring Germany in the early years of the 1930s ended up.

    6. Geopolitically, Germany was never a big deal outside Europe. On that note, neither was Russia. Germany lost it's Navy after WWI and never recovered it. The idea of Hitler being a threat to America is a product of Hollywood and leftwing rhetoric. Russia's navy was always very inferior during the cold war. China is a worse direct threat to America than Nazi Germany or the USSR could ever have hoped to be. America was fairly self-sufficient until we began relying on Taiwanese, Korean and Japanese electronics. If Europe falls to Russia, we can fall back on our own natural resources. If Taiwan falls, we lose a good chunk of our electronics. Not to mention, Chinese infiltration of American culture, government, business etc.... Is at least as extensive as anything Germany, Russia or any Caliphate has ever done, probably much greater. If Europe wants to survive, they should learn to fight as a group and fund their own militaries. We don't need them, they just think they need us. We need the East Asian Islands. No nation on Earth can militarily invade the Continental United States. Not Russia, not China, not any imaginable combination of dysfunctional Islamic craphole dictatorships. However, China can cripple our economy and gain major leverage over us, if we allow them to invade Taiwan, Japan of Korea.

    7. Again, I certainly agree that China is the big, direct threat right now. I just believe there are others. Perhaps the biggest threat of all is those within the West and America who are actively working to destroy them both. It's mainly through them, for instance, that Islam can present any threat at this point. For instance, it's their willingness to let Muslims call the shots about the terrorism narrative, and always deflect back on America or the West or Christians or someone else. Without them, how much of a threat would Islam be? Same with China of course.

      As for WWII, oddly it was my liberal professors in college who informed me that old war propaganda films showing the Swastika flying over the White House were fanciful at best. That doesn't mean, however, a German occupied and dominated Europe couldn't have a negative impact here at home. Same with Japan and its Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. Plus, many Americans were recent immigrants, and this was their families and loved ones impacted by the Nazis. So while fears of a rising sun or swastika in every home might have been a bit extreme, there were clearly legitimate concerns those two powers brought, and in some way because many eyes were instead focused on the rise of Communism as experienced and exported by the USSR.

    8. Left-Leaning professors were the ones downplaying anti-Nazi propaganda? Interesting. Times certainly change

  2. Replies
    1. It was the 'in the winter' that set me laughing.

    2. Germany successfuly invaded Russia in the Winter during WWI. they had the sense to focus on Ukraine rather than Moscow, if I remember correctly. Unlike the Nazis

    3. Yep. The German campaign in the East in WWI was certainly a different animal than WWII. Yet the wisdom remains eternal: never start a war in Russia in the Winter.

    4. I think it should be slightly re-phrased. Never try to take Moscow in the Winter.

  3. A couple of things that many have forgotten. Russia's population is approximately 11% of China's. China regards Russia as a country of semi-civilized bumpkins. China and Russia have fought border skirmishes on several occasions after WW II. The Russian Far East is very thinly populated and was so far from Moscow that an independent republic was briefly established after WW I. China needs living space. When viewing the big picture in a long time horizon, one should want to connect all the dots to get the complete picture.

    1. That is true. And I wouldn't place money down on long term bets. But just as the allies worked with the USSR against a common threat that was Germany in WWII, I wonder that other states are doing the same with the dying West. Unlike Germany, the West is actively killing itself. Including America. Perhaps there is a benefit to temporary alliances among those who wish to gather the remains of the West before they begin beating up on each other?

    2. These semi-civilized bumpkins managed to turn back the Mongols, soldier on through Muslim Siberia, & push back the Chinese as far south as Korea. These guys may be outnumbered, but somehow they win.


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