
Friday, January 21, 2022

Partisan beyond parody

I've said I remember Sean P. Dailey from the olden days of St. Blogs, but I can't recall specifics.  Nonetheless, this popped up and my jaw dropped:

Really. Retweet and retweet again!  Everyone shut up and never criticize President Biden - or the Democratic Party as a whole - on social media or democracy is doomed.  I love how much mileage people get from saying 'unless my side wins at all costs, the universe will explode and we'll die.'  You'd think after all the centuries in the rear view mirror, people would know better.  Apparently they don't. 

UPDATE: Under the 'birds of a feather' with Dailey file, Donald McClarey at The American Catholic notices a similar appeal:

Heh. Your free-thinking Left.  Shut up and obey.  Dailey and Shea and company have my pity.  It would be like realizing how flawed FDR is and then fleeing into the arms of the Germans, blind to what is going on there.  And when the Germans proudly make it clear, instead of admitting the error and returning to a flawed, yet infinitely better, alliance with FDR's America, you just dig deeper and deeper and deeper, becoming madder with each fathom down. 


  1. The sh!tcanned editor of Gilbert! has the mentality of a DNC press agent?

  2. It would be like realizing how flawed FDR is and then fleeing into the arms of the Germans, blind to what is going on there. And when the Germans proudly make it clear, instead of admitting the error and returning to a flawed, yet infinitely better, alliance with FDR's America, you just dig deeper and deeper and deeper, becoming madder with each fathom down.

    That's the curious part of this. You'd think as specifically Catholic writers they'd have the sense not to invest too much in politicians, especially politicians functioning as the vehicle of subcultures which are out to get you and do considerable injury to the right and the good.

    1. The odd thing? In my Protestant days there were certainly some who mixed politics and religion so you couldn't tell a difference. But you'd be surprised how many may have aligned with, say, the GOP, but only to a point. They kept either party at arm's length. Given how so many Catholics were proud of never going down that path, it's interesting to watch Catholics go down that path in ways I never saw.

    2. I gather you weren't a participant in Amy Welborn's old comboxes. There was a supply of partisan Democrats therein. I'm recalling one in a rage over some fairly mild criticism of Eugene McCarthy and another penning a prolix whinge insisting John Kerry's service record was impeccable. Some people are tribal Democrats (see Andrew Greeley's 1986 memoirs and subsequent rants for an example of the mentality at work).


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