
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

My answer to Alessandra Harris

If you mean march for Life, then I believe they would be thrilled.  I don't think many would care about the skin color of marchers for life. 

Now, if you would have people out marching only for the lives of certain skin colors, then I'd like to think most Catholics - if not most people - would shy away from that.  Especially if the justification for such a segregated approach to a march for life was suspect at best. 



  1. If she fancies that's what BLM is about, she's a complete fool. Who is this woman?

    1. She's an author. I've seen her write for the Jesuit America magazine.

  2. Explains everything. America also published a column in November how reception of the Eucharist by a pro-abortion candidate could be acceptable.

    1. I can do better than that. A year or two ago, America published a piece saying that perhaps we've been a bit hasty on condemning communism, since there could be some good little gems in those communist pits. I have a feeling I get where their sympathies lie.


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