
Friday, January 21, 2022

Deplorable defined

In response to my post about Fr. Martin's outdated Vaccine narratives and Deacon Greydanus resisting the call to trash the unvaccinated when they die, I was sent the image below. View at your own risk. 

Truth be told, I had to wipe my eyes and look twice.  It really is Mark Shea unzipping, whipping it out and pissing on the memory of Meat Loaf on the day he died.  Once again, like Fr. Martin, there must be a hope that by screaming at the top of their lungs they can silence the obvious shift in results versus the initial promises of the Vaccine.

I didn't have a chance to write my thoughts about Meat Loaf, who always seemed to be around since I was a kid.  I was going to mention a hilarious moment in our family when Meat Loaf's Two Out of Three Ain't Bad was playing on the radio while we were watching a musical number in The Music Man with the sound down.  And how, with no effort, the music aligned perfectly with the action on the screen, even ending as the scene faded to a commercial. We still laugh at that.  That will always be one of those fun 'family memories.' 

But no.  New Prolife Catholic Mark Shea plows through the crowd in order to spread those mighty cheeks and defecate on Meat Loaf's barely cold body, in a way he once blasted Conservatives for doing when it comes to making politics out of someone's death.  

But then the strength of the modern Left is forever announcing that you have heard liberals say X is evil, but the Left now rejoices in X because it's convenient.  I'll say no more.  I'll let Mark's own heartless and hypocritical rhetoric speak for itself:

UPDATE: If you're a paid Catholic Apologist, especially one running about teaching on Catholic Social Teaching, but you've allowed Fox News to seize the moral high ground, it might be time to rethink your tactics. 

UPDATE II: Two things have developed.  Apparently the reports that he died of Covid are still being confirmed.  From what I can tell, the original source was TMZ, which is slightly less reliable than a supermarket tabloid.  Not that he didn't. Apparently several sources are wanting to verify.  Given the source, and given that I've found no major national outlets saying it was Covid, I'd say waiting is the best bet. 

Second, I've been informed that Mark has removed the above Twitter post.  I don't have Twitter so I can't confirm that.  When it comes to Twitter, all I can do is take images of various posts that I'm shown or sent.  If it's true, then I would like to know why.  Is it because Covid might not have been the cause and he's being cautious?  Does he regret indulging in the very evil he once so loudly condemned by exploiting a man's death for political points? I don't know.  Until I know more, I'll leave this up.  If he removes it, and then offers a mea maxima culpa over this deplorable disgrace to Christian Charity, I'll happily delete this and explain why I have done so.  


  1. Meat Loaf was a 74 year old man. About 35% of the male population in this country dies earlier in life as we speak. Shea hasn't a clue what killed him. That is undisclosed. Even if it was one of the more lethal iterations of the Wuhan virus, wearing a mask wouldn't have made an appreciable difference. The vaccines aren't particular effective (and are useless against the latest variant). So little thinking going on in that man's head.

    1. I was informed he removed the post. I'll have to wait and see. As for cause of death, it looks like the initial report came from TMZ. I've not found MSM national outlets doing more than speculate, if going there at all. So waiting would make sense. Certainly not exploiting the death. Especially now since, at least with Omicron, it appears there is no difference between the shots and nots. That was certainly our experience.

    2. My understanding is that Omicron is more contagious but less lethal. Almost like a naturally occurring vaccine

    3. My whole family - unvaccinated - got Omicron. MY son said it best - it was like a flu virus with AI. You didn't get the symptoms all at once, but over many days. And it lingered. Some of us got it less than others. Most others we know who got it had it about like us - vaccinated or unvaccinated didn't seem to matter. It wasn't nothing, that's for sure. But our one son had almost no symptoms. Slightly down a couple days and that was it. He's the one we've suspected of having had Covid at the beginning of the virus. If that is the case, the vaccines seemed to do nothing in terms of helping or preventing anything, but the ones who had Covid before fared much, much better. Which is why I believe - and some are beginning to say - the emphasis should be on treatment and allowing the spread, especially of lesser variants, because being previously infected, per several stories I've seen over the last few days, is the safest category to be in.

  2. I've seen many examples of COVID fanatics gleefully posting news about the deaths of "anti-vaxxers" even when no cause of death is given or when a cause other than COVID is explicitly given. This isn't even about them trying to strengthen their arguments by pointing to people getting sick after not following their rules. It's just joy over the death of their enemies.

    And of course the people who do this will go into hysterics about how ridiculous immoral it is for you to use deaths to further your own cause if you point out of a death of someone who died from complications from a COVID vaccine.

    1. I notice that those on the Left increasingly operate under the assumption that to not align with the Left is to be guilty. No other evidence required. Again, I've been told Mark removed the Tweet, but he hasn't said why apparently. Perhaps it wasn't true. But it shows the rush to condemn without even knowing facts.

  3. As for Meatloaf specifically, I'm seeing the same thing you are. Most reports don't mention a cause of death or even explicitly say that no cause of death has been given. The ones that do specify COVID all ultimately track back to a TMZ report that Meatloaf canceled a dinner due to being sick with COVID "early last week." There is a yahoo news article that comes up in searches which apparently talks about him being sick before death, but it was pulled. Unfortunately I can't find any archived versions of it so I can't see what sort of claims it made that might have been inaccurate.

  4. "Peter refuses to abide by Rome religion ban, gets crucified."
    Mark Shea: "Murder/suicide Cultists commits suicide to own the Romans."

    One would think, especially if you want to claim to be a Christian apologist, that some might be familiar with the concept of martyrs or dying for your beliefs.

    I'm starting to wonder what makes Mark even Christian even more.

    1. When people try to align Christianity to modern secularism, that eventually becomes the question. It goes back to those old Fundamentals, doesn't it? At what point does the Christian Faith mean the Christian Faith? How much can be changed, compromised, ditched or surrendered and still be a Christian? I sometimes don't wonder if the Almighty is less tolerant for our practice of altering to conform than we would like to think.


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