
Monday, January 10, 2022

Covid update

So we've had Covid in the house this Christmas.  In terms of holiday celebrations, this particular season was - wanting.  But we'll get around to that some other time.

For now, an update.  It appears that most of us are more or less coming near the end of the tunnel.  A lingering cough and some congestion appears to be the main culprit in shaking the thing altogether.  For my mom and my third son, as well as me, that's the one thing that hasn't quite broken.  It's much better than it was even a couple days ago.  But it's still hanging around.  My wife seems overall better, but the limitations on what meds she can take, due to her heart condition, has made fighting the symptoms a bit tricky. 

Three of the boys appear to have moved on, with only a bit of congestion, and then only in small amounts.  There's still enough to warrant medicating, but the medications are dwindling in frequency.    A good thing, given the spike in medication prices. 

My second son has almost been asymptomatic the whole time.  He was mildly fatigued with a slight body ache for a couple days, but that's been about it.  Which makes us wonder.  Two years ago, he went to the doctor with flu like symptoms, especially fatigue he just couldn't shake.  He even missed work - something he almost never does.  They did a flu test, but it came up negative.  Nonetheless, they insisted he had some viral infection, they simply couldn't identify it. 

Given that he's the one in the family who has had few to no symptoms, even while testing positive for Covid, it makes us wonder if what he had two years ago was Covid.  It also makes us wonder about getting infected again.  I mean, if it doesn't keep you from not getting it, but it does keep you from getting it bad, then it might be worth our while to rethink our strategies.  But then, I'm no doctor.

So we're almost out of the woods it appears.  We're cautious, since Covid has the reputation of being rather wile.  As I said before, it's not like any virus I've ever seen.  My son said it's like a virus with AI.   As long as we have any symptoms, we'll be slow to celebrate.  Still, compared to a week ago, we're all about 80% healthy to almost 100% back to normal, and that's a massive improvement.

With that said, we're almost two weeks behind on everything.  Weeks of work and school have been missed and lost, and there is much to do around the old hobbit hole.  Therefore things will still be a bit sparse around here, even assuming we continue to improve and put it behind us.  Pray that we do.  If so, then hopefully by next week I'll be able to take a look at the crazy in the world and see what's been going on.  


  1. Great to hear, especially in re your mother and your wife. I hope your son didn't lose his job.

    Suggested celebrations if you have some extra cash: trips to barber, a purchase of hats, or a handsome meal in or out.

    1. That's the plan. All things equal we're planning our Twelfth Night (belated) celebration this weekend. We're even keeping the tree up just to make it official.

  2. Your body right now, struggling valiantly. Keep up the good fight, Dave. You'll be on the other side of this before you know it.

    Maybe once you're on the other side, you all can play a game of Pandemic, or if you want a 2 player experience, Healing Blade.

    1. Ironically, we got Pandemic and played it right before the pandemic. For me and a couple of us, I think the problem is we were actually sick before we got Covid, owing to the crazy Ohio weather of 'tropics/arctic/tropics' three times a day. We're the ones, along with my mom, still struggling to ditch the cough once and for all.

      As for games, we got that game you sent and printed it out - right before my wife's heart attack. We forgot all about it until right before Christmas. My sons said they'd look at it over the Christmas break. And then Covid! Heh. They said as soon as things get back to normal they'll actually check it out this time. Hopefully nothing else will happen or I will begin to wonder.

    2. Oh it's all good, Dave. I know you all been busy and such. Just concentrate on getting well. I was just saying that you can look at the bright side and have fun with family that is forced to be with you. ;)


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