
Monday, December 13, 2021

Prayers for Kentucky and the tornado victims across the US

Kentucky is our sort of second home.  Two of our sons were born there.  I went to seminary in Louisville.  I began my ministry proper in Kentucky and southern Indiana.  Not a month goes by that we don't miss our time living down there. Especially our time when we lived in Louisville.

So it was devastating to see that carnage left by those storms over the weekend.  Any disasters the bring such harm and suffering and death are a reminder of the fragility of life.  Those that happen at this time of year make it all the worst.  

Prayers for the victims lost and their families.  May the peace of God, which surpasses all human understanding, cover their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  

Donald McClarey, at The American Catholic, has a link for those wishing to help beyond our prayers for their spiritual and emotional health.  


  1. My family and I ended up being unaffected but several members of our church were.

    And Dave if you're ever in Louisville again, let me buy you a drink.

    1. It's been years since we've been able to get down there. We keep wanting to, but one thing after another. We'd have to meet at the Irish Rover. I don't know if you know of it or not, but if not, look it up!

    2. There's still a lot I don't know about Louisville but checking on it, looks like it's still there on Frankfort Ave. =D I'll have to give it a try.

  2. And to think I was worried about the wind we had knocking out the power. :( A reminder to pray for others instead of worrying about my own problems when I'm unable to sleep.

    1. Yes. That's a wonderful way to keep ourselves grounded in the spiritual rather than material. To focus on others at times of worry.


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