
Thursday, December 23, 2021

I hate this so much

 But he's right, as far as his being right goes:

True, Mark seems to ignore the myriad cases of leftwing assaults on the meaning of Christmas.  But in this case, he's correct.  This is every bit as bad as any commercial or worldly exploitation of Christmas.  It's as bad as a series of commercials some years ago that featured a guy in a Santa Clause outfit pushing male enhancement paraphernalia.  

I'm quite the fan of President Reagan.  I don't think he was always right, but I think he was a great president.  Likewise I absolutely support the 2nd Amendment and the right to defend ourselves.  But I would never say 'God, Guns, and Reagan. THAT'S what Christmas is all about'. I wouldn't have said that before I became a Christian!  I certainly wouldn't condone it today.

Let's try to be more careful if we are serious about stopping the waves of crazy that are covering our modern world.  Things like this aren't just bad because they give ammo to those pushing the crazy.  They're bad because they're wrong.  And being on the side of right doesn't give us the right to do wrong.


  1. True, Mark seems to ignore the myriad cases of leftwing assaults on the meaning of Christmas.

    Well, he's not referring to the Democratic Party as an 'antichrist cult' consequent to an ill-considered remark by Michael Newdow, no.

    This fellow Adams appears to be a professional Trump cheerleader, so I'd be wary of him. (Never heard of him before). Actually, anyone in a word-merchant occupation is properly regarded with some reserve.

    1. Adams does seem to be a walking stereotype of Trump supporters. I normally ignore that sort of thing, but felt it's worth reminding ourselves that if someone says something this wrong it doesn't hurt to call it out.

    2. Yeah I've never heard of this guy so I'm curious why I should care what he says. He's wrong, sure. Though I don't see how he's making war on Christmas by exercising his 1st amendment right to be a jack ass.

    3. He certainly has a right to be a jackass, as does anyone. But to dodge the inconsistency charge, I figure cover all bases. It might not make a difference to others, but I think consistency is of the utmost importance when facing ideologies that are devoid of any notion of consistency.

    4. You're not wrong, Dave. It's one of the things I respect about you. Though if you're going to rebuke EVERY jackass out there you might not have much time for anything else. ;) Some consistency seems to be in at least picking people who have some influence and sway in the world.

      Which given this guy has a blue checkmark means he very well might. I just haven't heard what it is and am very curious as to the details.

  2. I've seen plenty of Trump fans with this mentality, but they typically aren't the ones who go to Church very often. This is an example of why I say Republicans and Conservatives are the lesser of the versions evils rather than being particularly good. Politics is hard.

    1. True. Most Trump fans I personally know in the real world are not your church going type. One isn't even close to conservative, being liberal on almost everything except gun control and immigration. But I think by near the Faithful should have learned about keeping wary eyes on those lesser of evils we must sometimes align with for the greater good.

    2. I can't recall the quote but once upon a time I thought it was a guiding principle of conservatives (even the religious kind) that politics was more about managing evil to the best of our ability. That as long as we had to build a society out of humans, it would always be far from perfect.


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