
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

How to recognize a leftist in one easy glance

The most important thing to do, according to the Left, is to focus 100% on the evils of the Christian West and America.  The negative must always be front and center.  To that end, if something or someone associated with the West or America does or is good, it is necessary that you find something - anything - negative to say about it nonetheless. 

So Deacon Greydanus reminds us that justice may have been done in the Arbery case, but it wasn't done ... perfectly.  That's the problem.  Our generation, one of the most failed generations in history, can only lift ourselves up by tearing everything and everyone down.  And that fits like a glove on the Left, that can only thrive by convincing us everything and everyone around us falls short of the mark at best, and are rotten and deplorable at worse, and therefore must be eliminated. 


  1. SDG's position on Kyle Rittenhouse is that the jury followed the law, but that the ruling was still unjust because if Kyle Rittenhouse were black he would not have been acquitted. (He also says that Rittenhouse was a bad man and that Grosskreutz would have been justified in shooting him. In the alternate universe were Grosskreutz shoots Rittenhouse and gets acquitted I don't know if SDG would say if THAT was an injustice, since Grosskreutz also isn't black.)

    1. Yes, only in America 21st Century can a white man killing two white men become an issue of racism. And SDG should know better. There are six dead people in Wisconsin who are likely gone because of this 'racist system needs changed now' mentality. I know we have a young woman in our neck of the woods who died because a black man was let loose against all common sense because, well, see SDG above.

  2. No, let's not marvel at the fact a rural southern jury which contained 11 whites returned three guilty verdicts for the death of a young black man at the hands of three whites in 11 hours. Much less focus on the fact that the GBI did its job when the evidence was presented to it

    Let's bewail those 74 days instead.

    WokeWorld cannot celebrate justice because it does not believe it ever truly exists.

    That might be the most noxious thing about it.

    And I do not have polite words for anyone who thinks any of three men who attacked and threatened Rittenhouse were remotely justified.

    1. It's not that they don't believe justice exists, it's that they don't want it to exist. If racism goes away, the leaders of the woke faction won't be able to make nearly as much money from their activist campaigns

    2. Yep. Give Unknown a kewpie doll. My oldest son has suggested that's why BLM and the whole '1619 Project' mentality erupted only after Obama was reelected. Why not after Obama was elected? Because if he had lost in 2012, the press/Left could spin it as 'racist Americans not ready for black president'. But with him being reelected, especially after they made a stink about how important it would be to elect a black man in 2018, they had to change the game up a bit. From now on, racism didn't just define America, racism had to be America.


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