
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Trying to make sense of leftwing punditry is often a waste of time

In keeping with my momentary purgatorial run through the horror of New Prolife Catholic Twitter posts, I found another gem:

I don't get it.  Well, I do get it, and that's the sad part.  The point is to make fun of the fact that the wife is in a different bedroom.  You know.  Some old puritan fundi hacks sleeping apart because crazy puritan fundi hacks are the only types who would celebrate Columbus Day!  Bwa ha ha ha ha!

But what of it?  First, maybe they sleep better apart.  Or there could be medical reasons.  That does happen.  My sister had to sleep in a different room than her late husband in the last years of his life.  Or there could be other reasons.  Maybe the wife has a separate bedroom while a newborn lays in a crib beside the bed because their master bedroom won't work. 

There are literally dozens, if not hundreds, of reasons a wife might be in a different bedroom.  Some may be reasons they have no control over.  We don't know.  Even if it was their choice just because, who are we to care?  Dare I say, who are we to judge?  

Or is this the type of thing New Prolife Catholics love to judge in order to avoid judging things like the mass extermination of undesirables by the tens of millions in order to sustain a blasphemous sex and drugs culture during the AIDS pandemic?  Could be.  You never know.

Nonetheless, the thing more stupid than the stupid of the Twitter post is that those involved with posting and sharing it seem to think they just spotted that landing of rhetorical awesome.  The only thing worse than an arrogant person is an arrogant fool surrounded by like thinking fools.  And the above Twitter post demonstrates that nicely. 


  1. So on a lot of the internet, something like "wife's bedroom" would be shorthand for "cuck". The wife has her own bedroom where she can spend the night with the bull while you sleep in your own room. Another slang joke about the idea is "my wife's son."

    Like you said, there could be several other alternatives (heck my own parents slept in separate rooms for awhile after my dad had some major surgery) but that is the "self report" they are referencing.

    1. So in other words, the type of retort one would expect in a middle school locker room.

    2. It's the Internet.

      Middle school locker room is a good day. ;) lol

    3. Heh. Yep. I didn't want to insult middle schoolers or anything.

  2. Scattini is about 25 years old and works in musical theatre. I wouldn't wager wife or child is part of his present (or future).

    Daily is 56 years old and has a gut. He knows bloody well why one half of a married couple will have a retreat from the other during the night and the smart money says either he or his wife has a cot in the sitting room.

    1. I wonder if mirrors for self reflection is something available on Twitter.

  3. My parents sleep separately most nights and as far as I know their marriage is going great. My dad has a snoring problem. Also, if the guy that posted the original tweet is such a prude, how does he have a kid? He must've done something at some point unless........I'm confused. The internet is weird.

    1. I don't think Twitter is the place to think things through. At least not based on the above exchange. But you're right. There are many reasons people may sleep apart. It shows the easy judgmentalism that can show itself on forums like Twitter (which is why I avoid it).

  4. Very similar to how Rick Wilson attacked Donald Trump as rude and unfit for civil society, then go on CNN and gleefully mock Trump's supporters as illiterate hillbillies who masturbate to animated pornography.

    I suspect that these sort of people have damaged their conscience and self-awareness to the point that they don't even fully comprehend that what they are saying is mean-spirited. It's against an opponent, so by definition it's fair game to them.

    1. Consistency and sincerity are not the dominant characteristics of Internet discourse, that's for sure. The worst part isn't that this happens, it's that it appears to be encouraged today. At least encouraged when it serves certain purposes.

  5. Does anyone know why the cashiered editor of Gilbert! takes a particular interest in the remarks of a fairly ordinary Republican pundit (who likely hasn't given a second thought to Chesterbelloc)?

    1. He hasn't been the editor of Gilbert! for several years now. And he certainly lacks a certain Chestertonian joy, or at least Chesterton's perspective that "Seriousness is not a virtue." Which makes me just sad for him.

  6. Sean used to be a lighthearted guy in the early years of social media.

    Now he's a garden-variety woke-scold, with regular flashes of nasty rancor and insults.

    American politics tends to suck the humanity out of its regular combatants. Sad to see, but it's a common phenomenon. There's a growing list of people of who I say "I'd like to see the old ______ _______ back."

    He's on it.

    1. I wouldn't say it's unique to those who swing Left, though the worst I personally see tend to swing that direction. I think in our age everyone is encouraged to rage hate and go off the rails over anything and them, with oodles of contempt and personal insults. It's sad to see so many in the Faith do so. And it isn't just him or people on the internet either. I see plenty of snark from even bona fide religious leaders in keeping up with the secular Joneses. It does make you wish for a reset back to before the insanity.


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