
Saturday, October 16, 2021

Pope Francis praises the George Floyd protesters as true Good Samaritans

Sure, apparently some bad players can get in and manipulate or exploit such a noble cause by political machinations.  But the racism of Floyd's death (made obvious by Derek Chauvin's skin color - Pope Francis approves this message) calls for radical and extreme measures to be celebrated by Catholics the world over.  

Like anyone beholden to the leftist state, when things done for the left go sour, it's always someone else's fault.  When bucking the Left, for even the best of reasons - like worried about feeding your family - it's because you're a selfish devil who likely doesn't care about starving people in the developing world.  Pope Francis can obviously tell the difference. 

Oh, and Pope Francis also says shorten work days.  With production and transportation grinding to a halt and even items of necessity becoming scarce, that's a bit like telling the Titanic to avoid the iceberg instead of hitting it head on.  

Nonetheless, he's the pope God has seen fit to allow for our time.  Rather than cheer him on blindly as the Catholic left will no doubt do, I prefer to wonder what the Church has done to warrant this period in its history. 

No, Pope Francis does not mean this is the Good Samaritan.  He simply means it's irrelevant  compared to the greater cause of rising up against racist macho cops killing black Americans.


  1. God so very often allows us the Pope we deserve, as He has in the past..
    After good & holy pope's like John Paul ii, B16, we're getting Mr Mccarrick's nephew...

    1. I try not to be a 'Francis Basher', but his dismissal of so much suffering when it doesn't align to his politics make it very difficult.

    2. How is it any better to say that God sends us the Pope we deserve than it would be to say God sends New Orleans the hurricane it deserves, or that God sends New York the Islamist hijackers it deserves, or that God sends the homosexual community the virus it deserves? Just understand that once you join Job's friends and start blaming people for sufferings that come to them unexpectedly, you surrender the right to pick and choose whose suffering is deserved.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yeah we deserve our present pope. We've gone adrift and somehow God has to get our attention. Can we disagree with the pope? Sure we can, respectfully. Complain about our pope? Sure but to what end? I'm as guilty as the next man to complain about the pope, but I've really tried to avoid that and pray for him instead. I've prayed for him before but have now increased my prayers. I found that complaining about Pope Francis wastes energy and changes nothing. Praying? That's a benefit we cannot do without.

    1. Praying for him is certainly the right thing to do. And most of us have no say anyway, so I suppose fussing doesn't help. But sometimes I think it needs to be said. BLM is demonstrably false. When the world's most prominent Catholic not only defends a falsehood, but in a fit of partisan hypocrisy dismisses endless suffering and destruction simply because it fits a political template, that's something that needs said. If for no other reason than the causal passerby is informed that this is not the right way to go when it comes to looking for God.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. When it comes to BLM, also note the following:

      I wonder how many people believe that the protest slogan ‘black lives matter’ is a legitimate declaration as it is employed in riots, protests, speeches, and articles, and also printed on billboards, posters, shirts, banners, basketball courts, streets, and so on. On the surface, it looks like a fairly solid sentiment, but is this protest slogan as it is understood and used by those who wield it in protest truly one that expresses a legitimate sentiment?

      NO IT IS NOT…and it is not even close to being anything other than a slogan of hatred and ignorant bigotry directed at the majority of white people and police officers of all colors. In fact, the primary meaning of the protest slogan ‘black lives matter’ that is insisted upon by those who promote the protest slogan is that black lives are abused and killed in large numbers and/or too often by police officers and white racists, and white people en masse and the legal system do not really care when these particular black lives are abused or destroyed. In this regard, then, the slogan means basically this: 'Hey, white people and legal authorities! Stop ignoring and not caring about the ongoing slaughter and abuse of black people by racist police officers, the legal system, and white racists in general. Black lives matter, you immoral racists.'

      However, this is an egregiously false and unjust narrative that is not backed up by any objective data and other facts about such killings and abuse that the protesters and rioters and fellow travelers intentionally ignore.

      Among many possible sources of valuable information that can be consulted to further reveal the despicable lie behind the protest slogan ‘black lives matter’, I recommend a few very short, freely available online videos (~5 minutes) that clearly expose the utter nonsense behind the false police brutality narrative and widespread racism narrative behind the 'black lives matter' protest slogan and movement, and they do this by presenting objective facts and data that can be easily checked and confirmed. For instance, see the video by Heather MacDonald entitled "Are the Police Racist?" After that, try another short video by Larry Elder entitled "The Ferguson Lie." This short video conclusively demonstrates that the rise of "Black Lives Matter" protests and rioting that followed the Ferguson incident is based on yet another lie, and this lie has also been turned into a false and bigoted protest slogan by people who ignorantly chant “Hands up; don’t shoot.” Such an action that triggered the use of this bigoted protest slogan never happened as claimed, but of course objective truth means nothing to the misguided protesters, and the evil-facilitating mainstream media and others who know better, but don’t have the common decency to point out the falsehood behind this lie that serves to cause more people more unjust harm. This highly immoral ‘ends justify the means’ attitude is also very much in play in the riots, protests, stealing, and false reporting of these events.

      From Omnia Vincit Veritas Blog

    4. Well said. BLM is one of the most alarming developments in an age of alarming developments. I've seen some pretty reputable sources - and not all hard right wing rags - unpack the stats to show the very premise of BLM - that helpless blacks by the thousands are being gunned own every year by our racist cops - is false. That's beyond agendas of BLM that so clearly run counter to basic Christian values and teachings. And yet, from the international community to Pope Francis and Church leaders, to Wall Street and Main Street America, it's treated like the fifth Gospel of truth and morality.

  3. "Complain about our pope? Sure but to what end?"

    To let him and the idiot cardinals who put him in power know we are watching and we do not consent. If God cursed us with this Pope, I am sure resistance to Francis is also part of God's plan. If Saint Paul could withstand Pope Peter to his face, that is the least we can do to this unworthy successor to the Fisherman.

  4. Francis is reliably on the side of injustice in any controversy.

    1. I fear it would only work if the justice happened to align to his politics.

  5. I think it is best not to draw attention to statements like this. When others bring it up, we may have to react, but if we can, we should let sleeping dogs lie.

    1. Unfortunately, the statement is problematic on so many different levels. I don't jump on everything Pope Francis says. In many cases I let others. But to embrace something that is patently false (BLM), to dismiss the suffering that occurred with a swipe, to demonstrate clearly partisan political reasons for condemning one protest while embracing the other, are all things that send disastrously bad messages from the leader of the largest Christian tradition in the world.

    2. How many people heard that statement, though? I had not. If a refutation could be 100% successful, it might be worthwhile, but letting it be forgotten is perhaps a better alternative.

    3. I get your concern. But I saw it on a social media post linking to Steve Greydanus, who shared it with the call for the whole world to cherish what Pope Francis says. I know Deacon Greydanus not only has a large following, but also the ears of some secular media outlets owing to his film critic hat. For me, it's worth bringing up in case someone might see it and think - understandably so - that the violence of the BLM protests was small beans because the more important thing is the just cause. Which is a way of saying as long as it's for the Left it's good, if it's against the Left it's bad, Pope Francis and the Catholic Church approve this message. That is something I'd rather get out in front of than have to react to.


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