
Monday, October 25, 2021

My second son comments on the White House disconnect with current problems in America

"There hasn't been anything this out of touch since Hall and Oates."  

So, with that said:


  1. Hall and Oats were at their peak ca. 1976. Isn't that a tad before your son's time?

    1. They must have had a resurgence in the early 80s, because that's when I came across them. And they are well represented on our playlists. Plus, he's the family musician and is fond of a wide range of music and eras. His big group right now is a group I never heard of before called King Crimson.

    2. Out of Touch got a resurgence of popularity from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (in 2001.) Then it got a resurgence of popularity AGAIN through internet meme culture. ("Out of Touch" Thursday, a time to post content related to Out of Touch related content, just as Caturday means you post cat pictures on Saturday, though I think that fell out of favor a decade or so ago.) It all started with the this Lucky Star AMV:

    3. His big group right now is a group I never heard of before called King Crimson.

      My sister's wall displays in our basement playroom included a King Crimson album cover (no clue what happened to the album). My sister was only about 10 years older than you. Maybe he never got any air time on radio stations in Ohio.....

    4. Hall & Oates, Seals & Croft, England Dan and John Ford Coley. I get them all mixed up.

    5. I had to look up England Dan and John Ford Coley, but I immediately knew the music when it came up.

  2. Ha! And another music rabbit trail for me to follow - I had a bit of sheltered childhood, but looking them up, I recognize at least one of their songs.

    1. This song was big my senior year in high school. Other songs were Maneater, and Private Eyes that loomed large in my teenage memories. According to Art, they were actually big long before that, but I would have been a kiddo at that time and not in tune with the latest pop.

    2. So Maneater is basically a catchy summary of Proverbs 7. That's kind of cool. Growing up, I only really heard pop music when I was in a store, babysitting the neighbor kids, etc. But it's surprising the ones that have somehow stuck with me. Last year when I rediscovered Billy Joel's Just the Way You Are, I remembered hearing it in the grocery store as a little girl. That song is a couple of years older than I am, but it must have still been popular. But I digress...:)

    3. Yep. Music has that ability. Next to smell, I think music must be one of those things that trigger. I sometimes have songs on playlists that are otherwise not in line with the playlist. For instance, I have a playlist for the year I graduated high school and went to college - 1985. On that list, however, is the song Only Time Will Tell by Asia. That's because I heard that getting ready for graduation, and it's always stuck with me in that context, even though it came out years before and I'm sure I had heard it before.

    4. On that list, however, is the song Only Time Will Tell by Asia. That's because I heard that getting ready for graduation, and it's always stuck with me in that context, even though it came out years before and I'm sure I had heard it before.

      Never knew the name of the group or the song, but I remember the tune and lyrics. Pair of dudes in my building had the apartment one floor down from ours. He and his roommate used to blast this song at high volume more than any other. The year would have been 1982.

  3. I was a big fan of King Crimson when they first came out primarily because of Greg Lake who was the vocals for ELP to found Crimson with Fripp. I see the period of British blues from Mayall and Alex Korner of the early sixties up to 1970-'71 as the era of music I was fortunate to have lived in. Crimson was on the forefront of something brand new at the close of the sixties.

    1. I honestly had never heard of them. He discovered them some time ago, and has made a convert of his girlfriend. We bought him some old video of the band, c. early 1980s. It was a taped concert. It's not my cup of tea, but apart from most rap, I tend to be able to find something in music I like.

  4. Gift ideas for your sons:

    1. Thank ye. I'll look into those. He's asked for music for the most part, and this might just tickle his fancy.


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