
Saturday, October 23, 2021

Jackie Calmes comes out of the closet

And says it's time to officially and openly do what journalists have been doing for years.  That is, throw laughable notions of fairness and objectivity out the window and use any means necessary to destroy conservatives and the Republican Party.  

I've seen this pop up on multiple outlets.  Most responses have been negative.  Me?  I welcome it.  Honesty is in short supply nowadays, and she's merely being honest.  I've said before that there are only three types of people in the world: Liars, dupes and everyone else who knows the press has never been objective and sure as hell isn't now. 

The idea that the press just examines the information and data and then lays it out for us to make our own decisions should be right up there with believing the Earth is flat.  I hope nobody who reads this blog thinks otherwise. 


  1. No side is entirely perfect so to write this article she has to have lost ALL sense of fairness or balance if she ever did have it. Actually, it seems more of a projection of what the democrats are like lol. Always accuse the other side of what your side is guilty of.

    1. I think it's a blank check. But an honest blank check. I used to say I gave Rush Limbaugh credit, he admitted what he was: a conservative pundit. Those journalists (or worse, late night "comedians") who insist they aren't pundits and activists are simply adding lies to the partisan advocacy.

  2. Taking your 3 types of people Dave...

    "Journalists are lying dupes who believe their own lies."

    1. I sometimes wonder if they know what they are doing is what they are doing or, as you say, they're so deep in the media echo chamber they actually believe it.


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