
Monday, September 20, 2021

Was a time when New Prolife Catholics would have lit up the Internet over this story

Yep. Read the sad story here.  Had it happened under Bush, it was a war crime and he's a killer.  Heck, I remember in the early days of Obama, such drone diplomacy was met with equal calls of war criminal and anti-Democracy killer memes by those good  Nu Prolife Catholics.  We don't even need to imagine this happening under Trump. 

But not today.  I ventured a quick peek into the hell pit of leftwing Catholic social media evil to see if anyone - any single one - even bothered to mention this in a prayer for the poor innocents, much less hold the Biden administration (or anyone) accountable.

Nope.  I looked over  a couple days to see.  It's not easy to wade through such gut wrenching pride and hate in the service of evil, but I did.  And not a single mention.  I'm convinced that this is one of the signature evils of our time.  The media has convinced a staggering number of people that suffering and death only matter if they can be exploited to advance the agenda..  Otherwise, screw it, let them rot. 

Not a single Nu Prolife Catholic Catholic I visited, the bold, brave defenders of life, has bothered to mention this story.  A story that would have dominated St. Blogs a decade ago.  They are so fast with their contempt and hatred aimed at their fellow believers who have not sold out to the Left, they're missing the nakedly obvious.  May God have mercy on their souls. By the grace of God may I not fall into the same trap.  And may God bless the victims of such a tragic accident and cover the hearts and minds of their loved ones. 


  1. Replies
    1. Yep. If it wasn't for a side that is the antithesis of almost everything close to Christian it would be bad enough.

  2. Remember how much Shea loved to use the "Today's Stuff for the 'Prolife' Trump Supporter to Defend Instead of the Unborn"? A couple of times on Patheos, oh play the drinking game of it with his twitter.

    So it strikes me as entirely fair to play the same game they decided they want to play. "Latest thing for the nu-pro-life to defend instead of the unborn..." etc

    1. For some reason, I don't think that would work. I think Mark is beyond all reason. Pointing anything out to him, no matter how true, will be met with insults and name calling and even flat out denial of truth. But then, that's the trend of the day. I sometimes think Mark's ways is the only way you can be if you're going to align with the Left.

    2. Oh quite true, Dave. At this point it's not about saving him, but trying to wake up his audience.

  3. I have to admit, I've perused my "NPL" friends and acquaintances' pages too for any mention of ANYTHING in recent weeks. And...crickets. Nothing on human trafficking at the border, nothing on the botched Afghanistan withdrawal and those left behind, nothing about the innocents killed by our drone, nothing about this "more pro-life" president looking to enshrine abortion in law... But I've seen plenty of "get your vaccine" rhetoric.
    Honestly, I sometimes wonder if they just can't handle how wrong they were about... most things... after complaining loudly and often about everything happening during the last administration. The ones I know personally have a high percentage in therapy currently. For what I don't know exactly, but while I am pro counseling, I think if you need ongoing therapy in your life to deal with your life, other than processing some major life misfortune, you should change something.

    1. Yes I noticed the same thing. I noticed not only was this story ignored, but the border crisis as well. I stopped going by most of those, but I did see someone showed me a twitter image of - Sean Dailey IIRC - mocking those complaining about Afghanistan because Trump. Otherwise, I didn't see anyone mention it at all.

      I don't know if you have to be such a defender of evil to align with the Left. But given how many Catholics are so nakedly unconcerned about actual life or holiness unless they can use it to defend the Left/attack non-Leftists, it looks like it must come with the package.

    2. My heart goes out to Sean in some ways. He was the editor of the Chesterton Society's magazine for many years and something just seemed to have snapped inside of him. From what I've read of his own writing subsequently it seems to have been a mix of his own personal demons, personal hurt by those in the Church, and ultimately an inability to manage his own tendency to extremes - even in idealism. But he's one I think of when I was reading Fulton Sheen's "Life of Christ." It explained "woke" Catholics to me very much. Chapter 46, "At the Bottom of the List", starts with these two paragraphs:

      "In the meantime, what happened to Judas? Only Judas knew where to find Our Lord after dark. The soldiers did not know, and therefore had to be given a sign. Christ was delivered into the hands of His enemies from within. The greatest harm that is done is not always from the enemies, but from those who have been cradled in His sacred associations. It is the failure of those within that provides opportunities for enemies who are still without. The enemies will do the bloody work of Crucifixion, but those who have had the faith and lost it and who are anxious to salve their consciences by destroying the root of moralities commit the greater evil.

      The hatred of Judas against our Blessed Lord was due to the contrast between his sin and teh virtue of the Divine Master. Iago says of Cassio: "He hath a daily beauty in his life that makes me ugly." Judas' disgust with himself was vented on the One Who made him uncomfortable by His Goodness. The hatred against Divinity is no the result always of unbelief, but very often the result of antibelief. Conscience, Christ, and the gift of faith make evil men uneasy in their sin. They feel that if they could drive Christ from the earth, they would be free from "moral inhibitions." They forget that it is their own nature and conscience which make them feel that way. Being unable to drive God from the heavens, they would drive His ambassadors from the earth... Judas was more zealous in the cause of his enemies than he was in the cause of Our Lord. ***When men leave Christ, they seek to redeem their reputation by going to extremes.***"

    3. I vaguely remember Sean from the olden days. IIRC, he was part of a group who exercised a deal of snark, but typically kept it on the line, defended traditional values and views, and were willing to call out the extremes of all side, especially the evils promoted by the modern Left. What happened I can only guess. But it wasn't just him. Why the surrender and the allegiance and defense of what they so loudly called evil, often using very unChristian and unCatholic reasons to defend their alliance, is beyond my guessing.

  4. Yes, I've noticed the snark factor was a good predictor of those in Catholic land who've gone Leftist. Also, where they live - mostly blue states. The latter of which baffles me somewhat because we all know how well "blue" states are run, but a handful I know have needed state support at one time or another to get by. Nothing to be ashamed of, that's what safety nets are for, but they seemed to feel excessively ashamed by it and equated that shame with those on the "right." One Catholic blogger wrote of her experience on being on food stamps a few years ago and even though in principle I generally do not read her things, a friend shared it and I read it. The conclusion was pretty much a middle finger to the perceived haters of those on food stamps. But her neurosis was all in her mind and I was once again reminded why I purposefully don't read her things. There was nothing redeeming or supernatural in it about the experience of poverty, suffering, or even Providence in the form of public assistance. Someone nonreligious could have written the same thing. So I wonder if the association of conservative social issues and perceived antagonism to those on welfare have something to do with it too. Just thinking out loud.

    1. I could never begin to guess what happened. Unless they just didn't really believe a lot of it, and when push came to shove, they buckled and joined the new order. It's happening in Protestantism too. I know some who used to insist there was not Gospel without Conservative attached who now are pretty much 'except for a few quirks, the Left is the way to go.' Again, I think this sudden over the cliff caught a lot of people by surprise. And nobody more than those who thought they could make a nice living with one foot in a tolerant and diverse, if pagan, society and the other in that old time religion. When the pagan society dropped the pretext of tolerance, they were stuck and finally chose.

    2. "...When the pagan society dropped the pretext of tolerance, they were stuck and finally chose." I think there is something to that.


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