
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The New Prolife Christian movement is dead

If it ever really lived.   

I'm the last one to say the Texas bill is perfect.  I don't know legal stuff.  I'm a little skittish about reports that this encourages citizens to spy on and seek out those who perform abortions.  I didn't like the same mentality that encouraged people to spy on and seek out those who dared question the latest dogmas regarding Covid.   Those who favored the latter, however, have no business fussing about anything like it in Texas.

Nonetheless, if the NPL Christians were actually prolife, they would stand with the Texas law despite what flaws may be within the law.  Just as they so often do when they stand arm in arm with any law or policy advanced by the Left, no matter flaws or ungodly premises those laws possess.   They could defend the law, and make it clear they will help to make sure any parts of it that may harm the innocent will be remedied.  They could do anything other than join with the forces that would pine for the prayers of Satanists in order to sustain the mass slaughter of disabled babies.  

But since the best I've seen from New Prolife Christians has been silence, and the worst has been rhetoric lifted straight out of Planned Parenthood's playbook, I see no reason to continue the charade.  The vaunted New Prolife movement is nothing more than a pro-Leftist movement dedicated to the Left at all costs.  Period.  It will destroy anything that stands in the way of the Left.  And it doesn't give a damn about how many innocents are slaughtered in the process. 

If that's prolife, I'm a fiddler crab.  The time of lies and cowardliness in the face of these Christians who have aligned with the powers of Hell must come to an end.  Those who continue calling anyone who defends the culture of slaughter for debauchery 'pro-life' will be individuals I won't waste another minute reading. 


  1. Ironic that the "new" prolife movement was really just carrying the old "liberal" standard. A lot of Catholics, in particular, have long voted Democrat reasoning that aside from abortion they were more "pro-life" because they were essentially more pro-welfare. However, all that ended up getting us was D's fully embracing abortion as a good, (whereas I'm old enough to remember a HRC advocating abortion be "safe, legal, and rare." Ha!), and we're not any better on any other issue, particularly poverty. And yet it seems to them that more politics is the answer.
    My hunch is that those who are lamenting this law in TX while still claiming to be "pro-life" have always suffered from a certain intellectual pride. It's the same reason they couldn't embrace Trump, and not only couldn't embrace, ACTIVELY went against him. It's hard to look foolish in the eyes of the world, but that's often what we are called to do.

    1. This is a sort of political Zeno's Paradox. R & D disagree, so they split the middle in a compromise. Then R defends the compromise, while D holds his original position. They split the difference again in a new compromise. They do this again and again. R is always to the right of D, but by a less and less significant margin.

      The same dynamic occurs within the Church.

    2. In my lifetime I've never seen such an easy appeal to 'politics can save us'. In fact, growing up, it was often the opposite. Don't trust our government under any circumstance. Now? I can't find a part of society where the call for government to step in isn't made repeatedly as the only real hope for mankind.

    3. Politics could obviously never truly save us, but at one point it could have been useful. It's sort of like applying antiseptic to a cut; if you do it early enough, it may well prevent infection, but if you let the gangrene set in, it's too late for the antiseptic.

  2. It's as dead as Vladimir Lenin but not as well preserved. Both deaths are old news.

    I concluded a dozen years or more ago that reading Mark Shea was a near occasion of sin for me; he was already too infuriating. He might be for you, too.

    1. Yeah, I don't go there anymore, though some do and they'll sometimes send me things he writes or posts. Most of the time I ignore it, unless it's something particularly revealing, such as his full blown defense of legal abortion and attacks on anyone trying to stop it. Just like last time his call for the elimination of the GOP (the latest in groups he has beseeched the Almighty or the crushing hand of the State to eradicate).

  3. It wasn't hard to predict this. I remember back when they were first starting out and they accused Frank Pavone of (I kid you not) sacrificing a baby on an alter to Trump (never mind that the baby in question had been killed by an abortion, and was thus dead long before Fr. Pavone so much as set eyes in him, much less when he pulled his stunt (to be fair, Fr. Pavone's actions in that instance were kinda tasteless and brain-dead, though the NPL folks don't exactly have clean hands on that front themselves).

    1. I remember that. I can't say I cared for the choice in tactics by Fr. Pavone. But I had a gut feeling those screaming the loudest at him for doing that didn't really care one way or another. It was simply an attack for other purposes.


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