
Thursday, September 30, 2021

If you are an enemy of the United States and the West

You could do worse than following liberals as a source for your propaganda - courtesy of Iran State-affiliated media:

Yep. Going back to our first Gulf War, I said our enemies shouldn't waste time or money on their own anti-American propaganda.  They need only watch the news and record interviews with Democrats and liberal pundits. 


  1. Though a smidgen of this American propaganda began showing itself in some circles during WWII it really gained traction during the Vietnam War. There was more anti-American sentiments from Americans themselves then our own enemies. With friends like Jane Fonda who needs enemies :) Anti-American propaganda has been around for ever yet the 20th century saw it come to fruition.

    1. True that. I've said the myth of American unity is just that. With the possible exception of the first couple years of WWII, it's unlikely we have ever been unified in the 'Democrats are in the White House so we must all think alike' manner in which it's often promoted. But I know the anti-Americanism didn't start with the Gulf War. I remember the left was walking a tight line between the old 'Trash America' and the resurgence of patriotism that had happened under Reagan (one that learned, at least for a time, from the Left's radical anti-Americanism in the 60s).

  2. How did Harris respond? It's good to see a Democratic politician forced to pick a side on these issues rather then play there weird doublespeak games.

    1. The impression is that she didn't really do much. No rebuke or clear smack down of the idea.

    2. When someone accuses you of committing genocide (she's been Vice President for several months, so any accusation made against the government is an accusation against her), the correct response is one of the following,
      A. "I guess you're right, time for me to change that."
      B. "Your accusation is wrong, here's why."
      C. "you may be right, I'll have to look into it farther."
      Are you saying she didn't do any of those things?

    3. Ok, I did a little digging.
      Turns out the accusation made by the student was more aimed at Isreal than at America. Harris responded with a super vague, noncommittal"you voice can't be silenced," thing. She was acused of Bashing Isreal, so her staff did a statement about her being pro-Israel or something. (Whether she actually is pro-Israel is another question).

    4. Yeah, I knew the student's statement was aimed at the Israeli genocide. It was Harris's lack of immediate rebuttal that caught everyone's - including apparently Iran's - attention.


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