
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

For National Sons Day

I didn't even know there was such a day, but never one to miss a chance to brag, I figured I should post a picture of the four.  

I was going to perhaps get a nice portrait, or get them out in nature, or a nice pose together by the planter.  But I figured this one would be best, for it shows them as they are:

It was after my wife came home from the hospital. They all made sure they were there as much as possible.  Then they decided to camp out in the family room to make sure they were available near at hand - in a pinch.  I'd say that does better than any composed picture. 

The four are 1) my oldest, still trudging through college, but getting good enough grades that so far it's free, 2) my second, college grad and working his way up the ladder with his degree in hand (and no college debt), 3) my third (under the covers, and having worked late that night) who at 21 is already a manager eyeing the next level up, and 4) my youngest, in seventh grade and doing a nice job inserting himself in the brotherhood as one of the four.  By the way, A) is the pooch. always present and usually stuck to the hip of my third son.

That's them in a nutshell.  Don't know if they'd care to find out I posted a picture of them sleeping.  But knowing why they were there together sleeping in the family room and what it meant to my wife, I couldn't think of a picture from the recent files that tells their story better.  


  1. Replies
    1. Yep. I remember what you said. If I had nothing else, I'm blessed with my family, and that's not bad.

  2. I wish I had male siblings. I have 3 sisters, but it's not the same

    1. I have a single sister almost 9 years my senior, so I can relate. But they have a special bond that comes with brothers, which we're happy to see.

  3. trying to make me cry? It's real close. Son's who love their mother.

    1. Understand. They are protective of her, and of each other. They may argue about anything under the sun, down to pineapple on pizza, but when the time comes, they rally.

  4. A home without a cat is just a house.

    1. True. I wish my apartment was big enough for a cat

    2. Don't tell my son that. We had a cat, but it went crazy and attacked him (when he was little). So we have a dog, just in case any cats come nearby.

    3. Have had domestic (not feral) cats on and off for over 50 years. I've seen cats 'attack' when they're at play, attack when they're hunting, and attack when they're being harassed (commonly by youngsters who are not making sense of them). Never seen one 'attack' when 'crazy'.

    4. That was a full attack. He has shreds of his skin hanging off of his legs. He was about 9 then. Nobody knows what happened. But oddly he wasn't even the closest boy. He was on the other side of the room and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the cat attacked and as he tried to get away, it kept attacking. My third oldest had to grab the cat while I ran him into the bedroom. The vet said it's hard to say. It could have been something that only happens in animal's heads.

  5. Love this. :) It's an encouragement to me as I raise my four sons. :)

    1. Yep. They may not gush with sentimentality, but when their mom needs her, they're on the spot. I think that beats the FB posts that they never do.


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