
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Baseball legend Mike Piazza roasted for supporting a black man

Or, shall we say, the wrong kind of black man.  Black men who stray from the Left are never good, often Uncle Toms and even House N*****s.  But never good.  

Black men who blame white people, hate America, stay on welfare, heck who rape and pillage, as long as they support the Left?  Those are good black men.  

It's so nakedly obvious.  As one of my sons said, we don't have to dress like Satan at Halloween anymore, he dresses like us.  

When you can be so obvious about your contempt for minorities and care for them only when convenient, and furthermore make it obvious that you don't give a rip about racism but will happily exploit it for political ends ... and then get away with it since that's where the entire hypocrisy of the nation is happy to be, you know we're in a bad way. 


  1. You mean like pretending to be a a good Catholic while living an anti-Catholic life promoting suicide, abortion, trans ideology, homosexuality and using religion only to further your career or agenda? But if you are a faithful Catholic and living it in your daily life then you may be a neanderthal, a bigot, homophobe and anti-science.

    1. Priorities. It's almost like you're the problem if you can't see the great threat in the world today is people being faithful Catholics and attending a Latin Mass.

  2. Is there a typo in your title? I'm not sure Larry Elder is a baseball legend.

    1. Heh. Changed that. Started with one headline then changed and missed the name change requirement. Fixed. Thanks.


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