
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The monstrous evil of the modern Left

I use the word 'Left' until someone cleverer than I am can come up with a pithy label to identify this horrific emerging force of Hell that seems to be seducing individuals and institutions the world over.  I don't use phrases like monstrous evil lightly.  There are many things I disagree with people about, and some of those things I believe are evil.   Heck, I'm crazy enough to believe sex outside of marriage is a form of evil, though I sympathize with people who have been given carte blanche to their libidos, with not a few Christian traditions approving of the message.  Nonetheless, I reserve such bombastic phrases for that which I truly believe is a priority of the Satanic. 

What we are seeing with the "Left", is an almost step by step repeat of the worst human catastrophes of the last century, with a few new spins thrown in for good measure.  Race hate and discrimination, ethnic cleansing and censorship, tyranny and elitism, and lowering people to their base animal instincts all while broadening the ways in which we should accept the mass extermination of ever growing numbers of undesirables.  We won't even get into its militant rejection of the Gospel and hatred of God. 

In this particular case I'm thinking about (and there are many examples to think about), one of the nations that has all but sanctified the modern Left as its official civil religion, demonstrating the logical results of this development by proudly eliminating those pesky Down Syndrome types.  This is achieved, of course, by selectively aborting those rascally unborn babies who just won't live up to our demands for a nihilistic, narcissistic life of animal pleasures, greed and self-worship.  

Even Pope Francis, never one to rush quickly into condemning sins that dwell to the left of center, has called this horrific practice out for what it is, and that's just Nazi Master Race thinking redux.  If it was just Iceland, perhaps it would be bad enough.  We could always blame the Vikings.  But it isn't.  This form of hate, extermination and destruction in the name of a newly evolving spin on old Master Race attitudes is becoming far too common across the leftwing spectrum, at least across the realms of the Dying West. 

The only thing worse than the emergence of this new demonic evil sweeping the world is the utter impotence of Christian traditions and leaders to even put up a pinky's worth of resistance.  In fact, on an almost daily basis, it seems the priority of a growing number of such leaders is to find ways to align with this movement while keeping one foot firmly planted on that middle class generating lifestyle of serving the Church.  Try to imagine, if you will, those leaders in the 30s who proudly draped the Nazi emblem over the altars in their churches. 

Same here.  Not that we should be surprised.  The anointed priesthood has never had a great track record when it comes to standing firm against the Molochs, the Mammons, the Ashtoreths, the Baalezebubs and the Nazis.  There's something about earning a living proclaiming God's word that makes it difficult to proclaim God's Word.  I know that from experience.  It ain't easy calling down hellfire on the people who sign your paycheck.  This is especially true in our modern age, when it's a safe bet that many of those people no longer put the same stock in the historical Faith as did people even a few generations ago. And look what happened then. 

While the world dropped the ball a hundred years ago regarding the up and coming evils of the age, it did eventually rally and, even is pressed to do so, finally rose up, came together and defeated the evils at hand.  That also tends to happen over time.  Evil seems to get the upper hand quickly, but soon you have those heroes of the ages who rise up to stop it.

Problem is, I'm having a hard time seeing much resistance today, at least from those who should know better.   I know.  Sometimes it takes a while.  But in the meantime, we will have to account for our own delays, our own acquiescence, our own enabling of these forces that are so obviously evil that they can't be denied.  And that's those of us who see it for what it is and yet appear powerless to stop it.  We won't even get into those who wear the cross proudly, all while finding endless ways to join in the parades around the mounting body count of Satan's latest sleight of hand.


  1. Funny that you brought the Vikings into this. I was going to say the same thing. Iceland is returning to its brutal roots. France, on the other hand, has no excuse.

  2. The spirit of Mengele has overshadowed the West and now we determine who is to live or die right out of the womb depending on what we consider an acceptable quality of life. Homosexuals had better hope that science does not find a 'gay' gene or gender dystopia is discovered in prenatal testing. What of them? If Downs Syndrome people are not deemed worthy of life then the ones determining who lives or dies had better be careful about opening this can of worms.

    1. Agreed! If some lives are deemed not to have intrinsic value then none of ours do.

  3. I am appalled as well. But recently I was thinking about my dad, who had to leave Hungary around Christmas of 1944 as a toddler. The Allies had defeated the Nazi threat but the Brits and the Americans sacrificed the Eastern Bloc to Stalin and the Soviets. (There was never much love in my house for FDR.) So we did rise to meet the moral threat of Nazi-ism, but we failed to meet the threat of militant communism, both on the battlefields afar and at home, IMHO. Pushing the Soviets back to their borders at that time would have been a far more successful stop to the spread of communism in the world a the time than going to war or "conflict" in east Asia.
    Pushing back on communist ideology at home could have spared us much misery and grief, but it's a subtle thing to identify over many years and if you are disposed to assume the good will of others hard to reconcile that outright evil comes in attractive packages, especially if they are materially inviting. Even in the Church, without love of the Cross we are primed to fall so easily to the temptations Our Lord handedly rejected in the desert.

    1. The Allies had defeated the Nazi threat but the Brits and the Americans sacrificed the Eastern Bloc to Stalin and the Soviets.

      And how would you have arranged for British or American troops to have occupied Hungary in lieu of Russian troops?

  4. "But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science." - Winston Churchill

    Thomas Sowell in his "conflict of visions" described 'the Left' as you put it as those with the "unconstrained vision of humanity."

    1. The US was never in any real danger of falling to the Nazis.

    2. Unknown - you have managed to completely miss the point. Congratulations.

    3. I was simply critiquing the Winston Churchil quote. I wasn't trying to make any larger point.

    4. Exactly. You got so obsessed with the historical context you completely missed the applicability of the words to today.


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