
Thursday, July 15, 2021

General Mark Miley is why my sons did not join the military

General Miley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has repeatedly made clear where his loyalties lie, and it isn't Americans, servicemen or otherwise, who run afoul of the Leftist State.  Perhaps some hear him say 'trust me, I would only mobilize the military against those Trump supporters over there.'  I join those who hear him being far more vague about who he would mobilize the military against. 

Even as accidental deaths and continued problems with preparedness plague our military, he has made it clear his first priority is speaking the Leftist words. The inherent racism of Caucasians, the racist identity of our slave nation, and obviously the importance of the abstract genitals and the eternal libido seem to rank high in the to-do list of our military's leaders, including Gen. Miley.  My sons, especially my most militarily ready third son, made it clear that such gibberish at the expense of soldiers' lives would not do.

Not that they aren't aware that deaths sometimes happen.  Not just in combat of course, but accidental deaths, friendly fire, even unexplained deaths have occurred in military service since forever.  That happens.  Imperfect humanity and fallen world after all.  

But the thought that these things could happen not because they happen, but because they are exacerbated by a military leadership almost proud of not giving a damn about anything but fealty to the Left at all costs, was unacceptable to them.  As my sons said, if they die in service to their country, even in an accident, that is the cost of freedom.  But not because they were allowed to die rather than properly be prepared to survive, just so our sex and drugs culture and the movement behind it will be placated.

That General Miley increasingly makes it clear he's prepared to use the military against those who refuse to bow before the USSA is even more troubling.  We already saw both the military and law enforcement take a knee last year, and join in the chants for an overthrown American heritage.   Do we really think that, if the Left finally gets power, it will take more than a nudge to get the likes of General Miley and other military leadership to give the orders for the divisions to roll forth and crush all dissent? 

Hardly.  I have a harder time believing he wouldn't.  And if nothing else should make us worried, I'd have to say it's that.  If there are a growing number of Catholics and Christians who would happily see the power of the State step in and crush disobedient non-Leftists, it appears they will have no small number of military leaders prepared to raise their hands and volunteer. 


  1. I would certainly hope that if Milley and the other flag-ranks tried to use the troops against American citizens doing anything but engaging in a Detroit '67 scale riot, that he would be met with passive non-compliance by his subordinates, up to and including walking off the job at the Pentagon and letting him face an angry crowd with just his bloody sidearm. This happens abroad, they call it a 'color revolution', and it may be our best hope.

    1. Yet I'm reminded of how many in the miltiary and law enforcement walked arm in arm with the BLM Protests/Riots last year. I'm not so confident now.

    2. How many joined the protests? I didn't get a head count. I saw several news stories singing the praises of those who did. There were no clear pushbacks against those who did, and that's enough for me to know.

    3. Cops joining the protest could have been a crowd-control technique. De-escalation and all that.

    4. I don't know if it did any good, but that may have been the intent.

    5. No, they were taking a knee and showing support for the BLM cause. As did some military personnel. That was bad enough. That nothing was done about it while various leaders fell over themselves to be seen as supportive was even more bothersome.

    6. Art & Unknown, in case you were wanting a citation:

  2. Not persuaded the captions are true.

  3. I think the problems with preparedness and the leftist politics are two MOSTLY separate issues. Of course every general and every admiral is a politician of some sort, as they always have been; and promoting incompetent officers due to politics (or family, or really anything other than competence) is again nothing new. Where the leftist agenda comes in is with lowered standards: But over the years countless servicemen have died because Congress did not want to procure the right kind of warships, or in the right numbers, or because certain equipment had to be bought from this senator's state or that congressman's district. I suspect that is even worse today, since everyone has bought into the idea that the Uncle Sam is an immortal superhero anyway.

    1. Yeah, that's what they realized. Many have died in wars and the military because of a host of mistakes or political wrangling. But that the military seems to no longer even pretend to care for anything but the anti-American gibberish and stupidity being hoisted upon us, even if servicemen must die in the process, was too much for them. And I totally agreed.


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