
Thursday, July 29, 2021

And then they came for white liberals

So Newsweek posted this story about a black rights social justice organization calling upon white liberal Democrats to stop putting their kids in Ivy League schools.  Sorry o'liberals of mine, your time in the sun is done, and your kids will now cash in the cost of your self-righteousness.  That seems to be the point of the group's message. 

Newsweek plays ignorant about the real motive of the message.  Could it be a stealth group trying to make such noble ventures look bad?  Could it really be a group saying college admissions should be barred against students based on skin color?  The article seems rather brief, and non-committal. 

Between you, me, and the grandfather clock, I have a hard time believing the good writers at Newsweek were not able to find what it took me two seconds to find.  Granted, it all could be a ruse, but it's a darn comprehensive ruse.  Likewise, McCarthy could have been a communist agent and it would all make more sense.  But as it is, proof contrary to the accepted narrative is not forthcoming, so my quick search seems to have yielded the actual group and what it stands for. 

That might be why Newsweek got all 'can we ever be sure?' about its identity.  After all, this is a fairly brazen call to discriminate against children based on skin color, even if it is part of a growing trend.  The fact that more and more blacks and black activists seem comfortable openly pining for a day when it's whites using those drinking fountains, stepping off the sidewalks, and perhaps even basking in the fields, is troubling enough.  Not surprising to sane people and students of the historical Christian faith, but troubling for  those indoctrinated in the foolishness of multiculturalism nonetheless.

After all, Christians - and others - of a sane disposition know that multiculturalism is bunk.  The idea that for 50,000 years the world lived in peace, love and John Lennon songs while only the vile Christian West and America invented all evil, is about as accurate as Himmler's Handbook on Jewish History.  Yet it's the foundation for modern liberal education, the idea that only in the Christian traditions and American experiment has evil really ever occurred.  Sane Christians and others with brains know that evil, sin and temptations transcend all boundaries and identities in human history. 

Nonetheless, liberals keep plodding on with the lunacy.  My son saw in his OSU course catalogue a class that reinforces this.  It was called Comparative Studies in Slavery.  Yep, you read that right.  The course description?  It was a paragraph long, but could be summarized like this: Slavery has existed on a cultural level throughout the ages in many different forms ... but only the European Transatlantic African Slave Trade was truly evil and dehumanizing.  The kids taking that class are taught by professors who were my peers who heard discussions when we were in college about how only whites are capable of being racist.  See how things progress?

More and more blacks, Asians, Muslims and others are coming out of the closet and putting teeth into their bite when it comes to ending this whole Western Christian Civilization and Anglo-American  experiment rubbish.  In a bit of poetic justice, the good people at Dallas Justice Now have decided their first target should be those self-righteous white liberals who think a BLM poster or George Floyd pin will do.  No, it won't.  For decades I've asked if things are as horribly evil as white liberals and liberal men say, shouldn't the men and whites relinquish their lofty positions and given women and minorities their spots?  Of course I was dismissed as ignorant for saying such a stupid and silly thing.

Now it's not me saying it.  It's the ones those precious white liberals thought were groveling in the dirt and rejoicing in the glorious beneficence of white liberals everywhere.  It would serve liberals right to harvest the first fruits of their folly.  Sadly it won't be them.  It will be their children and everyone's children, including those who have taken the bait of resentment, blame and revenge, who will pay once the one civilization that brought such ideas as equality, liberty and right to life has been sent to the ash heap of history. 


  1. Wait, Dallas Justice is demanding School Choice? The Teacher's Unions had no idea what they were getting themselves into when they endorsed this stuff, did they?

    1. What a tangled web they weave...

    2. It's almost like there's more than two factions in our nation's cultural wars, but because of the two party dynamic every group gets artificially forced into a Red State-Blue State dichotomy, which has been hugely helpful to the far left, as well as the establishment figures in both parties.

    3. There's no artificial forcing at all. There are two camps.

    4. Then explain why Devout Christians are in the same party as Rednecks whose trucks are decorated with the Silhouettes of naked women (I don't know how much time you've spent in the backwoods, but I have relatives there). My Trump supporting Cousin has a girlfriend that works at Planned Parenthood.

    5. Then explain why Devout Christians are in the same party as Rednecks whose trucks are decorated with the Silhouettes of naked women (I don't know how much time you've spent in the backwoods, but I have relatives there). My Trump supporting Cousin has a girlfriend that works at Planned Parenthood.

      Because not everyone's cultural preferences have an uncomplicated political expression. And, strange as it may seem to you, people do have intimate associations with people who they're at odds with on abstract questions. Seen that up close and personal.

      You're assuming that cross-cutting cleavages will generate an array of political parties. Israel at one time had a mess of cross cutting cleavages. You had Arab v. Jew, Zionist v. non-Zionist, secular v. religious, Marxist v. syndicalist v. bourgeois, militant v. moderate. Even there, you didn't have a political faction in every space on the checkerboard. In this country, you have cleavages, but they tend to be highly correlated leaving most squares on the checkerboard nearly empty. There is no Catholic / social democratic segment of the electorate any more, as there was 50 years ago. The idiom of Goldwaterism has largely dissipated in that time and the political party more congenial to the guild interests of social workers is inveterately hostile to the moral teachings of any historical Christian denomination. Jimmy Carter represented in his prime a qualified critique of the stances, emphases, and sensibility of the regnant secular liberalism; he hasn't at any time since leaving office. There are no liberal evangelicals; there are only Vichy evangelicals.

  2. Blacks account for 13% of the population and about 8% of the human capital in this country. The political class ignores (nay, harasses) much larger and more productive minorities. This sort of thing is of interest only because someone is likely to respond. The onus belongs on white liberals, who are horrible people.

    1. I was surprised Newsweek covered it, and you can see the piece pulling punches, hoping it's some sort of ploy. But I think blacks matter to the left as much as women, Jews, Muslims, or anyone. When convenient, they matter. When not, sayonara.


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