
Thursday, July 1, 2021

A simple answer for an obvious question

FOX News asks what gives.  That is, why almost every day do you hear someone saying anything at all ever is racist.  Why the word black ever applied means racist?  Why anything a white person ever did is racist?  Why anything done in any other culture and embraced by a white American is racist?  In short, why is almost every word used in the English language potentially racist, anything done by a white American racist, and anything connected to anything of the Western Tradition racist?

Easy.  The Left wishes to destroy the Christian West and America.  What better way than convincing us all that racism is the unforgivable sin that even Jesus - if He really existed - could never cleanse.  Then, apply racism to the largest swaths of humanity in the civilization you want destroyed.  

  1. Racism must  be destroyed.  
  2. Anything that is connected to the Christian West or United States is racist. 
  3. Anything connected to the West or United States must be destroyed.  

This includes, of course, such quaint ideas as forgiveness, mercy, humility, democracy, freedom, presumption of innocence, due process - why the list is endless!

It's a very solid tactic.  Simply convince a society that Jews are a bunch of reprehensible reprobates devoid of any redeeming qualities and the cause of all Germany's problems.  That way anything associated with Jews can be condemned and eradicated, and any problems of Germany can be blamed on Jews.  Scratch out Jew, replace it with White, and you have today.  Simple stuff. 


  1. The thing is, there's been a secular decline in the capacity of leftoids to construct and maintain fixed principles in matters of substance and process. So, it's jarring when you encounter leftoids who do, because you see it in their critical distance from whatever is the line of the moment. As of now, those who do include Tulsi Gabbard, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, Jonathan Turley, and Alan Dershowitz. Harold Pollack might also be on the list; haven't heard from him of late. As a rule in our time, leftoid discourse is just a set of sophistries meant to justify them getting what they want. What they want is to injure you and me. This will not end well.

    One emblamatic example is Mark Shea. Not a whole lot of there there, and what is there is aggression and little else.

    1. Heh, you put Bari Weiss on the left? She was apparently hired to be one of the NYT's token conservatives. Listening to her interview with JBP... I'm not inclined to argue too hard with you on that.

      Evan Sayet once talked about modern leftist thought as an attempt to "regurgitate the apple [of the knowledge of good and evil]." I'm inclined to agree with him, and think many want to live like the animals - knowing nothing but whatever appetite moves them at the moment. Do they want to injure us? I think no more than the lion or bear wants to harm us - but they often end up doing so because they do not have the capacity for judgement or restraint. (Again, quoting JBP here who often points out - the mama bear has great compassion for her cubs as she's killing you.)

      And yes I do realize the distinction is of little comfort or difference to those who end up mauled.

    2. As far as I'm aware, Bari Weiss' viewpoint is that of a standard-issue Democratic voter, ca. 1995. Jonathan Turley is 60 years old and entered academe in 1987; he's forever surprised that the modes of academic and political discourse on which he cut his teeth are no longer practiced. Again, there's nothing unconventional about what he advocates to any contemporary of his who has got a memory.

    3. I find that the worse the Left becomes, the more insane its defenders sound.

  2. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. As long as the claim of racism works, it will be used.

    The risk, of course, is that people will say, "Well if THAT is racism, obviously racism cannot be very bad." We've seen this sort of thing before: If seduction is as bad as rape, then rape is no worse than seduction. Our language has to be able to distinguish great evils from minor evils.

    1. Some have suggested this is happening. For instance, during the Trump administration, it was nothing to hear people compare his border policies and what was occurring at the border to the Holocaust. No real push back except from a few conservative outlets. My sons said, however, that the impact was that many younger Americans who seem to take pride in not caring about history, therefore conclude that the Holocaust was about locking people in cages and separating kids from parents. Remember, multiple studies and polls have found young Americans with little understanding of the Holocaust (and similar historical events), so such a conclusion makes sense. The same with making racism nothing other than not being a liberal. A clever tactic, but the unintended consequences could be devastating.


    Just remember, it's the 'MAGA cult' that's the problem. You have Mark Shea's word on it.

    1. I have a feeling he would see something like that and call it an affront to justice.

  4. Replies
    1. It's as if he's commenting on America in 2021. I especially noticed the 'facts cannot overcome it' line of warning. Given how many things are gospel truth today though easily dismissed by a few extra facts - BLM leaps to mind - that is what jumped out.


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