
Sunday, June 6, 2021

All things must pass - a D-Day reflection

And a quick one.  Growing up, the anniversary of D-Day, even on the off years, along with December 7, and VE/VJ day, were only behind July 4 and Memorial Day, and about on par with Veterans Day. 

But that was forty to fifty years ago.  Today, most who landed there and elsewhere in that war have passed.  The young have been taught to despise our country.  To them, those men were likely a bunch of racists and bigots from a country whose only exceptionalism is its exceptional record of slavery, genocide and racism. Nope, for many my boys go to college with, those solders were no better than the ones they were about to fight.

For the young today, the ones who are the real heroes are the doctors who saved us from Covid while bravely standing in the front lines of the great plague of our time.  Or they are the athletes who bravely take a knee in a ballgame.  Or the transgender celebrity, the openly gay actor, the brave millionaire climate activist, the Black Lives Matter protester, the African American resisting arrest by America's gestapo cops.  

Those are the ones my boys' peers look up to.  The men in that picture?  If an interview with a black woman who worked the mail for the US Army in England during the war is to be believed, there's nothing at all praiseworthy there, or anywhere else in that or other wars in America's past.  To hear her talk, her plight as a black woman was only one step better than the plight of Jews in Dachau. . That's just what the press wants to hear, that's what the Left wants say, and since the Left controls the narrative, according to my sons and their experience among the youth today, it's just what the Left got. 

So those of us who celebrate this day, just remember we are a dying breed.  The up and coming generations imagine that if we celebrate them, we're as good as celebrating the ones goose-stepping around Nuremberg.  After all, they were all the same.  I don't think us old timers really grasp just how far things have fallen.  Goodness knows our faith leaders haven't, nor most who continue to comment on the state of our times. 


  1. I've heard it. I've said it. I've lived it. The sixties. No matter how great some think the 'peace' generation was, it was nothing but a bunch of spoiled children who's parents had spent blood, sweat and tears to provide for them after WWII. The sixties was the catalyst for what we see today. No losers. All winners. Everyone is a hero. Everyone is a victim. Hence no victims nor hero's. Ironically it was the "Greatest generation" who ran the country, wrote the laws, allowed God to be ousted from public life starting with the Lords Prayer from school, allowed porn to become another form of entertainment protected by Constitution, allowed abortion to become a right, provided the professors who taught in colleges etc. All in the 60's, 70's and 80's. The piece de resistance? Vatican II, the interpretation and outcome hijacked by the liberal bishops and priests who were waiting in the wings to reform the image of God into their own.

    Sixty years of destruction and counting. We are witnesses to a falling civilization just as Augustine witnessed Romes destruction. It was from Romes ashes that the Church grew without bounds and I believe it will be the same result this time in our generation once the City of Man down for the count.

    1. In the first church I pastored, there was a WWII vet who once said something I always think on at these times. He said they spoiled their kids - meaning that Greatest Generation spoiled the Boomers. And they did. But as you point out, the ones who were pushing the Sex Culture, the secular culture, the post-American culture, even the general anti-Western culture as far back as the 60s and before, were often the ones who hit the beaches and flew the European and Pacific skies. We can blame the 60s, and always those rascally Boomers, but the problems that began to take off full force were already there and endorsed long before those Boomers were out of their diapers. When it came to bravery and sacrifice and the ability to destroy Germany and Japan, the Greatest Generation is second to none. In hindsight, however, they had a harder time handling the peace and prosperity than handling the war and poverty that defines them.

  2. "they had a harder time handling the peace and prosperity" Well said. They did have harder time. I think when good times come we tend to forget to be diligent lest we lose what we died for.

    1. Sometimes focusing on that isn't a bad remedy for the age in which we find ourselves.


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