
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The truth behind Occupy Wall Street


And it must be true, I saw it on Twitter.  After all, we all know Twitter is one of modern journalism's main sources for solid information.   

So all those hippie wannabes we saw, camped out on sidewalks, espousing the glories of socialism and decrying the evils of capitalism were, it turns out, just pawns of a vast right wing conspiracy.  That would explain the mounting examples of OWS advocates dropping anti-Semitic jargon about all those corporate Jews who were behind the corruption.

It couldn't be that people who were left of center were invoking their inner anti-Semite.  That could never be.  We're pretty sure racism and bigotry only exist in Red States where white conservatives who vote Republican live.  So the above claim makes perfect sense. 

This is why, as I said here, you want to be leery about chasing conspiracy theories.  Not that conspiracy theories are never true.  Sometimes they are true.  Just ask Julius Caesar.  But as often as not, they're short of the complexities of reality.  Were their libertarian fascists (?) in the Occupy Wall Street movement leadership?  Perhaps.  Just like it wouldn't' surprise me that some behind the events in Washington on January 6 were Antifa types.  Or some leftwing activists began infiltrating old Tea Party rallies just to make them look bad. Given the track record of history, I'd be more shocked to find none of those things happened.

But it is laughable to imagine the whole was a vast libertarian fascist (?) conspiracy, where any and all bad that came from that toilet of a movement can be blamed on 'not my side' (from a liberal point of view).  Any more than a sane person can insist no Christian ever did anything wrong, so anything wrong done by people saying they're Christians must not have been done by a real Christian.  I believe there's a fallacy along those lines. 


  1. Libertarian Facist? What the heck even is that? That's even more self-contradictory than than anarco-Communism. Who even is this Dave Troy guy? Is he even human? Or is he literally just an algorithm?

    1. I think they just throw fascist in there as they do so many things. It means 'not to the left'. As does bigot, phobe, racist, etc.

  2. OWS run and supported by libertarians? You mean, folks like Caitlan Curran and Lisa Simeone of NPR, Dylan Ratigan of MSNBC, and Natasha Lennard of the New York Times? All of whom either joined, organized, or supported OWS protests?

    1. Apparently they are part of the new libertarian fascism.


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