
Friday, February 26, 2021

Why we homeschool

In one easy lesson, courtesy of Donald McClarey at The American Catholic.

Wow.  It's as if the Left is literally saying 'how egregiously awful, evil and stupid can we be?'.  Of course if all good, white liberals screaming 'white privilege' quit their jobs and gave them to minorities, we'd be 2/3 toward fixing the problem.  Yet I get the impression that's not what they want.  

Instead, it's a weird 'White Liberals' Burden redux'.  That is, good white liberals are here to save the day by lowering the standards of minorities everywhere while attacking those other whites who simply aren't as righteous and holy as good, white liberals.  It's like everything evil over the last hundred years joined together and repackaged as one.  I wonder if minorities really buy it, or if they're just biding their time. 


From another sector of the Left's ethnic cleansing crusade:

Again, it was quite brilliant. Racism, they say, is about power. Probably true.  Yet after WWII, after Civil Rights, after pounding racism as the all defining sin that even Jesus can't forgive, how do you use racism to obtain power?  Easy.  You bring back racism and race hate against ... wait for it ... your own race!   

In the immortal words of that great philosopher Wile E. Coyote: Genius.  Pure genius.  And the genius if shown in how fast so many have embraced the racism, even within the hallowed halls of Christianity.  But then, after the last 2000 years, should we be surprised?   


  1. Just gonna leave this here.

    1. Was that a put on? A parody? I'm a bit lost on that one.

    2. No, apparently looking at the twitter it is a serious drama show on netflix. Played completely straight.

    3. Wow. I thought it had to be some parody. But then I read the news, so why would I think that? The time is coming to put a stop to this or it will be too late. And this time, I don't know who would storm the beaches at Virginia Beach to liberate us. China? The Islamic World? Russia? Not seeing the liberators this time.

  2. If the same people who wrote the list above, wrote a “to be less black” list, what would it say?

    1. Oh, you can tell it's racism by the fact that if it was done to any other ethnic group, it would be called racist. That's been the brilliance of it. How to use race for power. Make it about your own race with the caveat that only by conforming to the State can you be cleansed of the sin of your race.

    2. I take it that being white is now the new Jewish? Funny how the more things change the more they're they remain the same.

    3. Oh, I've said that for some time. Take a speech by Hess or Goebbels at the Reichstag, scratch out 'Jew' and replace it with 'white', and you'd barely miss a syllable. It's become that almost over night. The only big difference being that it's largely white liberals driving it (though I'm noticing an uptick of non-whites starting to jump on the bandwagon).


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