
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

There are two ways to see the Time Magazine article, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election”.

See here for the article itself. 

One way to see it is that Trump’s rhetoric in 2020 was so dangerous that various power players admit they conspired to game the system and change the rules of our democratic process, and then used their control of modern communications to suppressed lies about the gamed election, in order to save democracy.  

Or, various power players admit they conspired to game the system and change the rules of our democratic process, and then used their control of modern communications to suppress concerns about the election they gamed, in order to ensure the results they wanted in 2020.  

The gist of the article doesn’t change, it’s whether or not you think it was worth them changing the system of democracy they admit to changing that makes the difference.  Sometimes it begins to take more credulity to disbelieve a conspiracy theory than to believe in one.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, they saved democracy by gaming the system. Only a total loon would think there was anything wrong with what they did. The real threat comes from people like Jake Angeli; if he and the numbskulls with him had been able to seize and hold Capital Hill for 24 hours, they would have become our new legitimate government -- you know, just like anyone who breaks into the Tower of London and puts on St. Edwards crown becomes, by that very act, the rightful monarch of England.


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