
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Pretend they were black babies


Yep.  Apparently this was a thing last summer.  I missed it because the press was busy promoting peaceful protests so no doubt didn't have time to look at this kerfuffle.  The excuse from the clip's creator is that it aired on Adult Swim, the adult oriented time slot on Cartoon Network.  It wasn't shown during kiddie hour. 

I say imagine if the babies were black.  Or imagine if they were in some way portrayed as a designated minority group.  

Most edgy leftists have stones the size of neutrons when it comes to who they are willing to offend.  Let them go after a couple old ladies in a country church, and they act like they're as brave as Superman.  Suggest they go after Muslims, or BLM, or the LGBTQ movement, or China, and expect to see them do their Dr. Smith from Lost in Space impersonation. 

As for the content, I'm sure it speaks for itself.  A reminder that all the evils of a pagan world didn't suddenly vanish because we thought we had moved on from a pagan world.  In fact, you might say the modern Left is very conservative, just itching to go back to a pre-Christian paganism and all its glories. 


  1. "The men of Ninive shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they did penance at the preaching of Jonas. And behold a greater than Jonas here."

    It's worth remembering that ancient paganism was not ALL bad. There was, as Chesterton says in The Everlasting Man, "that black thread among its more blameless colours; the darker paganism
    that was really diabolism," but there was also the anticipation of the Gospel.

    Our society does not have that excuse. We are not invincibly ignorant; we are an apostate society. We are more like Judas Iscariot than the centurion who drove the spear into the side of Christ.

    "And that servant who knew the will of his lord, and prepared not himself, and did not according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. And unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required: and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more."

    1. I've often said I'd rather deal with a bona fide pagan than a modern secularist. With that said, I fear the modern paganism is taking the worst of paganism and wedding it to the worst of secularism for the worst of reasons in order to achieve the worst results possible. And yes, we have no excuse. We are supposed to be the most educated generation in history. Then again, as my sons say, we are the generation that finally proved an education is not enough.

    2. Modern paganism is very, very different from ancient paganism: it is not ignorance of the Gospel, but an explicit rejection of the Gospel. Someplace Chesterton compared ancient paganism, Christianity, and the post-Christian West to a virgin, a married woman, and a divorcee, respectively, and again to grape juice, wine, and vinegar.

      I never took modern paganism seriously until I watched the movie Ferngully. Up to that point I thought the real threat was the kind of atheism you find in Gene Roddenberry and the Soviet Union, or possibly serious alternative religions like Islam; paganism was dead and gone. Little could I have guessed how quickly "paranormal investigation" and even more explicitly occult practices would be normalized and accepted, but I knew I was seeing a kind of return of paganism.

      This new paganism, though, was very different from the ancient paganism from which it claimed to derive. Ancient pagans knew that Nature is powerful, and they feared that Nature might destroy Man without thought or concern, almost by accident. For all that, they did not hate Nature nor seek to destroy it; they only wanted to civilize some places where they could live. Neopagans see Western Man as powerful, and they fear that Western Man might destroy Nature without thought or concern, almost by accident; and they do hate Western Man and seek to destroy him.

    3. Because it is aware of the Gospel, and chooses to reject it (while at times borrowing liberally from the Gospel when convenient), I wonder if it would be more properly understood as a heresy.


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