
Friday, February 12, 2021

Friday foolishness

 Exhibit A:


First they came for the Alt-Right

And I did not speak out 

Because I was not Alt Right

Then they came for the MAGA Trumpers 

And I did not speak out 

Because I was not a MAGA Trumper

Then they came for the Pro-Life Conservatives 

And I did not speak out 

Because I was not a Pro-Life Conservative

Finally I got what I deserved when they came for me

You get the point. And it's not just him; see Rod Dreher for one of many examples.  We are seeing the death of the Christian West and the land of the free because over half of our population is convinced either it will be a better world when it happens, or at least whatever bad happens won't happen to them. 

It takes a whole lot of golly-gee-wiz for the most educated generation in human history to be this stupid.  But then, as my sons are fond of saying, we're the generation that finally proved an education is not enough. 

UPDATE: Apparently Mark continues to praise his Reich Masters' attack on freedom of speech and the right to not be a leftist:

Again, this is no longer some 'That's strange, doesn't he get it.'  He gets it.  Just as so many got it in other times when evil rose to the top and seized power.  They just bet the farm that it will be everyone else who gets it in the neck.  

FWIW, Project Veritas and James O'Keefe own a special place in St. Blog's move to bow before the Leftist state.  When it was discovered O'Keefe and company lied about their identities in order to catch Planned Parenthood in its vile Slavery for Holocaust industry, many were able to focus on its undercover tactics to avoid confronting the Left's unprecedented Holocaust.  Without Mr. O'Keefe, there no doubt would have been a different excuse.  But that goes to show you, if you sin you can give those itching to be part of bigger sins a way out. 

UPDATE II: Meanwhile, in my other example, Rod Dreher continues to cling to every word that proceedeth from the press's mouth when it comes to attacking Trump.  Dreher is a fine example of one of conservatism's biggest problems.  That is, the tendency among some conservatives to throw each other under the bus and align with this or that part of the Left as if suddenly that Left, which is otherwise decried as the threat to the universe, becomes equal to the Gospel truth.  Dreher does it with being a Never-Trumper, with Covid, with Global Warming, and perhaps with other issues.  He's not alone, and it's the tendency among such conservatives to be the biggest boon for that Left they otherwise fear and loath. 


  1. All the times he's been thrown in facebook jail and he STILL doesn't get it?

    Talk about a NPC.

    1. It reminds me of that Tom and Jerry cartoon where the baby duckling confuses Tom the cat with its mother. Tom takes advantage of the situation to make the duck into a duck pie. All the while Tom is preparing the food and putting the duck in the cooking dish, the duck keeps saying how his mommy loves him. I see Mark and others embracing this modern group identity persecution, even after being targeted, but continuing to embrace it. Again, never before seen levels of stupid.

    2. @Howard - Yep. The meme gained traction awhile back for those who just accept blindly the media narratives and go along with whatever. The person who has traded rational thought for group acceptance.

      Exhibit A: Mark.

  2. The focus on Veritas undercover work is just dumb. How else does anyone suggest investigative work be done? "Excuse me, are you cheating?"
    "Why yes, sir I was. Darn, you caught me."

    If purity tactics worked, why didn't any of the pearl clutchers get Planned Parenthood's confession earlier?

    1. That was the first time I looked at Catholic bloggers and thought 'WTH?' It was Dawn Eden who kicked the whole thing off. Everyone - Mark included - was appalled at what they uncovered with their operation. It was Dawn (writing with some other Catholic scholar) who said, "Wait a minute, slaughtering babies and selling body parts is bad sure, but let's instead focus on the true evil of these Catholic truth finders not being 100% pure in their quest to save the innocent.' Almost overnight, everyone - including Mark - followed their example. It's been downhill ever since.

  3. "When thy enemy shall fall, be not glad, and in his ruin let not thy heart rejoice."

    But honestly, stop paying attention to what Shea writes. That can become a kind of sinful curiosity.

    1. I avoid his sites and typically avoid referencing him at all unless someone points out something that rises to 'really bad' level compared to most of his output. That means the bar is pretty high, but I thought this, especially in light of Mark himself having been banned by social media, rose to the occasion.

    2. Wait, Mark got banned? When was that? He says enough obnoxious things, I'm not surprised....

    3. His account on Facebook was pulled a couple times. Eventually it was brought back. In both cases I'm aware of Mark had a 'Gee, how could this happen to me, must be a glitch' attitude while continuing on with his call for anyone and everyone right of center to be banned and pulled from Social Media.


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