
Monday, February 15, 2021

A perfect demonstration of leftist Catholicism

Is shown in this leftist hit piece written by Rebecca Bratten Weiss. Like most on the Left, to not be leftist is to be Nazi.  Nary a sin associated with anything to the left of center is mentioned.  It's basically a piece that solidifies the Left's belief that salvation and sanctification are possibly only through submission to the dogmas and doctrines of the Leftist State.  After all, does the relationship to Christ among those who aren't Leftists even matter?  Indeed, can one even be cleansed by Christ if one refuses to step into the arena of Leftist same-think or, worse, supports Donald Trump?  You'd think not to hear leftists Catholics speak. 

The amazing thing I notice among leftist Catholics is how their throwing Catholicism, Catholics, Christians, anyone white, and men under the bus (and always ignoring the non-persons that are not white, not male conservatives) is how it does nothing for their non-Catholic readers but reinforce their non-Catholicism/non-Christianity.

For so many leftist Catholic sites on Patheos, the comments section is a smorgasbord of pro-abortion, pro-right to die, pro-gay sex, porn sex, pro-transgender, pro-socialist, pro-communist, pro-atheist, pro-oppressing of religious rights, pro-destroy America and/or the Christian West, pro-blasphemy, pro-heresy, pro-race hate (all whites are racists by skin color), pro-ethnic clearing (whiteness), pro-sexist (all men are rapists) bilge and sin that defines the modern Left.  

Rather than meet such hit pieces that leftist Catholics write with humility and 'Gee, you've spoken true, I think I need to look more into this Jesus thing', it simply reinforces their heresies, blasphemies, and embrace of mortal sins and sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance.  True, you never know how God can work with someone; you can never guess what seeds may ultimately sprout into that fruit bearing tree.  But the approach by such Catholics of conceding everything to this thing called the modern Left, accepting all its evils and sins as necessary and the fault of non-leftists non-conformists, doesn't seem to be bearing much fruit.  

In fact, I can't help but think for those embedded in the emergent Left's ranks, such leftist Catholics are merely the latest useful fools.  Such hit pieces merely give them ample ammunition to continue their crusade to destroy the Gospel of Christ, the people of God, the Church of God, and the civilization and values and morals and Truth those brought to the world.  

As for those who continually appeal to the 'Jesus ate with the sinners' argument, a couple points are worth considering.  First, when doing so, Jesus didn't deny their sins existed.  Second, He typically made at least a few inroads in people's hearts. People usually changed after their encounter, they didn't go away sure they were right to have been sinners.  Finally, He didn't become more like the sinners He was trying to reach. 

It will be a bit of poetic justice when either such leftist Catholics, or their posterity, find themselves behind the barbed wire with fully rejecting the last shards of the Gospel they clung to as the only path to freedom.  Sadly, it likely will be our posterity that pays the full price of such folly.  Though at the rate we're going, Ms. Weiss's generation may live to see the tree of their lack of foresight bear its terrible fruit.  It will serve them right if that's the case.  


  1. I started reading some of her article or diatribe if you will and I had to stop before I puked. Does she actually believe what it is she has written? If so then is it any wonder that there are Catholic blogs that vehemently refute what these Catholic Liberals write and yet these conservative(traditional Catholic)blogs are derided by the elite bishops and self-proclaimed messiahs as Jesuit James Martin as our being hateful, racist and hypocrites? If anything, the liberal Catholic Church has been aligned with the murderous Democrat party for decades now and are trying to do everything they can to divide the Church proclaiming the Biden Church as the True Church. God will not be mocked.

    1. That's been a massive problem in all of this. Say what we will about some of the worst on the Catholic Left, why would we blame them? Church leadership gives them a pass, waiting for those who are more conservative or traditional to wade into and smack down. That has been a major problem. Not a new one. But a big one.

    2. To Ordinary Catholic. It is the "Democratic Party."

      I am not sure why so many Republicans insist on often stating it as the, "Democrat Party."

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Because as far as many of us are concerned there is nothing democratic about this murderous group. They talk a good game when it comes to freedoms yet do every thing they can to keep the unborn from enjoying their God given rights by killing them before they even have a chance at life. You cannot exercise your freedoms with out having a life. If the democrats can force us to pay for abortions, support euthanasia, assisted suicides etc...then the least of my concerns is calling them the Democrat party and not lose any sleep over it.

    5. Ok. If you are talking to Democrats, and want to at least try and make some headway, is it a better example to start off by being that way? It seems people use it as an insult on purpose. That is their right to do so if they wish. I just don't see it helps things much. Minor criticism maybe, but sometimes it matters how the horse leaves the gate.

    6. "Democrat Party" has been used for over a century. Perhaps you should stop policing language and start addressing the substance of people's argument. That would also make "some headway".

  2. "In fact, our left is in the grip of the normal totalitarian illusion, that they’re somehow more perceptive than every other human, ever; that they’re pure and above it all and that if they only kill the sinful elements of society — you and me, my brothers and sisters — they will be like onto the angels, living eternally with no strife and no sin." -Sarah Hoyt

    Every day I grow more concerned we will all learn the truth of CS Lewis' warning.

    1. Yes. I still haven't figured it out, this whole 'white liberals yearn for the extermination of the white race; liberal men wish men were eliminated from the world; liberal Americans believe America must die; Christian liberals believe any religion but Christianity is the path to salvation, and on and on. I don't get it. It's almost, well, mental.

    2. Well, not all liberals. I am one of those secular 'liberals', not going along with much of the current program.

      I am thankful that Dennis Prager makes a distiction between 'liberal', and 'left.' While the distinction might understandably be a little murky, I think there is one.

      From my very limited circle with most people I know considering themselves 'on the left', I tend to think they are more 'liberal', and do not wish to see the end of western civilization. They just do not see the destructiveness from the left that I see.

      The last four years was all about 'Trump the fascist', the 'right wing', etc. and still is it seems. I bring up dangers from the left as I see it, but I do not get too far.

      They might agree with me on certain things, like the rioting, and trans issues, but there's no 'danger sign' in their head like there is in mine.

    3. That's why I try to distinguish between 'the Left' and 'liberalism.' Though in, some ways, I hold liberals accountable more. That's because I fear they've bought into the old dichotomy of 'right = Nazi/left = communist'. And since only Frank Burns and Archie Bunker care about communism, that must not be a big deal. Likewise, since only the Right can be Nazi, the Left's obsession with race hate, ethnic cleansing, exterminating undesirable burdens on society, censoring and banning free speech, suppressing religious liberty and demanding fealty to the State must not be bad because, after all, it's not conservatives doing it. If it was, then it would be bad because then Nazi.

      I don't know if that's accurate, but I'm having a hard time seeing why those who are liberal are at best saying 'Gee, we don't agree with a lot of this' when they go off half-cocked at far less if they were done by conservatives.

    4. Well, I do notice that too. When bringing up the rioting last year, I was sometimes met with, "the protests are mostly peaceful, it's only a few rioters", and how Fox news was looping the same violent happenings over, and over. Maybe they were. I couldn't get much of a word in edgewise after that, and later knew they most likely wouldn't have stated the same thing had it been just, 'a few' neo-Nazis.

      Ironically, a friend was stating it was frustrating to him that so many people will not see Trumps agenda, which shows how mentally off people are.

      Isn't it that once a person feels they are on one particular side, they just can't see room for much criticism for their 'own side'?

      Ah, the great divide.

    5. Yes, a Great Divide, and I fear one that is encouraged. If you were taking those stances, and calling out the violence, killing and destruction last year, then all I have to say is Bravo! Keep up the great work. Certainly there are always things on all sides that need called out. Nobody is perfect. But as I've said before, I focus on 'the sins of the Left' because, as the last year has shown, there are scant few outlets that hold the Left's feet to the fire, giving even the most egregious actions and behaviors not only a pass, but sometimes a full endorsement.

  3. OH and of course Shea heartily endorsed the whole thing.

    1. Naturally. As I said to OC above, why not? They can do anything and the Church's leadership will, at best, give them a pass. At worst, they'll join in. reward a kid for breaking windows, and the kid will break more windows every time.

    2. Apparently Mark has penned a piece going after National Review for rebuking the pro-abortion narrative that abortion rates go up with Republican presidents and down with Democrats. Beyond being a stupid argument, NR apparently took that whole stupid thing to the woodshed. Not supporting abortion but supporting abortion activists Mark rushes in and defends the pro-abortion arguments yet again. I didn't bother reading the piece. Again, my stomach can no longer handle it.

  4. Speaking of leftist Catholicism, I recall a few years ago when I went to work at a special event at a Catholic college. The college shall remain unnamed here, but it was started by nuns back in the 1920's.

    When I got there I found out the President, and her better half (a woman) were having a book talk, and signing by an author, who was the head of Planned Parenthood.

    Now, I am secular, and 'pro-choice', but I know my basics in religion, and I felt like I had stepped into some dystopian, bizarro land myself. I thought Catholic, well, still meant Catholic.

    I was still digesting my confussion about a lesbian couple living in the College Presidents house, and then when finding out who the author was, I really got perplexed, and quietly blurted out to my event captain, "but this is a Catholic college"..."Oh, they are very liberal here" she responded. Even as a secularist I thought well, this is more like falling off the cliff.

    1. The issues we're seeing didn't just pop up in the last decades, at least within the Church. Nor did they go downhill when the Beatles arrived. It dates way, way back when the Church leadership decided to dip its toes in the doctrine of progress. Not that the Church has ever been without problems (we have a New Testament because the Church started out with problems). But the collapsing before modernity and progressive secularism is a new problem that we're only now beginning to see in all its glory.

  5. The whole business of leftist Catholicism reminds me of the destruction of Judaism with the founding of the Reform movement. It did not come to a good end and neither will the Catholic Church.

    1. No. As Ross Douthat pointed out, every time a monotheistic tradition tries to compromise with modern liberalism, it dies.

  6. I have no idea what this article is trying to say. What most people on the left oppose are structural racism, bigotry, misogyny and violence. I would think people on the right would agree that a thrice married, twice divorced admitted serial adulterer who brags about grabbing women by their genitals is not an example they would want their sons to follow, let alone emulate. What's more, since most left-leaning people are themselves White, it is perplexing how anyone can argue they are "anti-White." And to live in a pluralistic society means to embrace pluralism. If you want to experience life in a theocracy, there are plenty of countries in the middle east and eastern Europe happy to oblige.

    1. I'm sure they do oppose those things, as do those on the Right. The Left's problem is its tendency of defining those things as not being to the Left. Most people I know, at least within the religious circles, did not like Trump's personal behavior. Some tried to excuse it. Most I know of didn't. Then again, it was during Clinton years that the Left, so worried about treatment of women, suddenly clammed up and said it's time to stop obsessing about the character and morals of this or that president, so there is that.

      As for the White Liberals being anti-White, sure. It's all the rage. Righteousness through demographic masochism. Whites insist whites are a racist plague on humanity, liberal men insist all men are misogynists. Liberal Americans declare America the pox of humanity. And on and on. Of course, as we found out during #MeToo, the lion's share of high profile accusations were against those liberal men all about caring for women. Turns out they were more guilty of what they accused all men of than likely most men were. Makes you wonder how many white liberals all about 'all whites born racist' are, in fact, the real racists.

    2. Ah yes, always hilarious to see people get upset about Trump. So which example should our sons emulate? Biden? Shall we ask Tara Reid about his feelings on pussy grabbing? Or how he plagiarized his way through law school? How about disrobing in front of female secret service? Shall we even begin to go over the behavior of his son, Hunter?

      So your solution to Trump was to elect someone with a far worse record of all the things you complained about? Good job. That will convince people you're principled. /sarcasm

      What's more, since most left-leaning people are themselves White, it is perplexing how anyone can argue they are "anti-White."

      Well then you should talk to several left-leaning people who have penned such stunning articles such as "To understand Trump’s support, we must think in terms of multiracial Whiteness" or "why young men of color are joining white supremacist groups."

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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