
Friday, January 15, 2021

Understanding the news media in one easy picture

Yep.  Every day I'm more and more convinced that I have no more clue about what's going on in the world than a villager living 2000 years ago would have known.  The ease with which the media makes mountains out of molehills, makes molehills out of mountains, or simply refuses to mention molehills or mountains when convenient, has convinced me that Madagascar could sink into the ocean and I'd never know it but that it benefited the various news outlets of the world to tell me. 

Therefore, everything they say, and the way the say it, must be filtered through the question 'why do they want me to know this, know it this way, and not know what they're not telling me?'.  I'd say when a relationship comes to this level of distrust, it's time to end the relationship. 


  1. Now you're becoming wise, Dave. ;)

    I had that exact same reaction when I was forced to listen to some of the news while staying with relatives over the holiday. There was a story about a woman accosting a man accusing him of stealing her cell phone. It was literally in like 3 different news shows on different channels.

    By about the 2nd or 3rd time I heard it I'm like, "Ok and? A woman in a particular place was a bitch to a man in that place. How does this affect me? What does this do for my life? How would I be harmed if I knew nothing about it?"

    I still don't have an answer for it. Meanwhile, did you hear anything about the gas shutoffs in Colorado that put a great many people at risk during the winter? Sure, if it's not your state maybe it's not worth worrying about either.

    Though there were some reports of similar attacks happening in California too. Could there be a wider pattern? Could there be something to watch out for?

    Hm. Not really being told much on that are we?

    1. Oh, that happens all the time. Sometimes we'll look at each other and ask 'why is that on the news.' That's actually something I remember from the old daytime talk shows. One of their tricks was to take obscure little incidents and treat them like they were some national crisis.

      But at this point I don't think the press even tries to look objective. Did any major outlet even question BLM last summer? Did any news organization unpack its claims or challenge them in any way? I didn't see it. Most acted like marketing agencies for the movement.

      Wherever that point of no return was, I fear we crossed it many moons ago.

  2. I just saw a video of the RIOTS at the Capitol. I showed some men and women walking in the rotunda. They carried some American Flags.I did not see any riots.

    1. One might even say... they were mostly peaceful.

    2. There was some rioting and property destruction, and it looks like some physical violence. A small portion of the already small portion who broke from the main protests. Of course it wasn't what we saw last summer when a hundred times that was called mostly peaceful. Therein lies the problem, and the propaganda.


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