
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The storming of EWTN continues

Here's another case of what I wrote about here, though I have no clue who the individual tweeting is.  I doubt it matters to most.  The point is, those going after EWTN are echoing the modern leftist notion that there are no rights to exist or be free but by fealty to leftist dogmas.

As I said, if Ms. Pervis was removed because she merely tried to open up dialogue regarding Black Lives Matter or other issues of racism, then that would be a problem.  Especially if she was willing to do  things like looking at the Left's insistence that we must forever lower standards and expectations where African Americans are concerned and that such an approach might well be behind the staggering crime and homicide, drug and abortion rates in the black community.  

If, however, she sanctified BLM in all its glory, and accepted carte blanche all of its manifold doctrines, including doctrines at odds with basic common decency, much less Catholic doctrine, or furthermore accepted the racist ethnic hate behind the BLM and the Left's exploitation of it for political gain, then yeah.  Maybe it wasn't a brilliant move, but I'd stand behind removing someone advocating white supremacy, therefore I would stand behind removing someone doing the same for other ethnic supremacy ideologies.  And no, I don't define such things as merely disagree with me.  I mean actually endorsing the notion that people should be judged, exonerated or condemned based on skin color or other ethnic characteristics. 

So we'll see.  I'm not seeing much in terms of defending EWTN.  Most seem rather silent about this.  Perhaps it's a tempest in a teapot.  Maybe ETWN was wrong.  But with the media+twitter age, we've learned that a single person with a tweet can cause the entire course of human civilization to turn on a dime, and suddenly moms and dads don't exist, and truth is a bygone notion under threat of retaliation.  And with this has emerged a new era of digital witch hunts and lunch mobs that would have mad McCarthy drool.  The kind that this backlash against EWTN is beginning to sound like.


  1. All the EWTN nightly news staff went rather quickly as well a few months ago. There wasn't a big brouhaha about that.

  2. All the EWTN nightly news staff went rather quickly as well a few months ago. There wasn't a big brouhaha about that.

    1. You mean they left? Or were they let go? Again, I know very little about it. I've heard complaints about what happened. But now there is this movement to all but shut EWTN over it. I'm curious because I'm finding it difficult to get info.

  3. Well you know who commented on it - which tells me all I need to know.

    1. Yep. He's not alone though. I first saw Dawn did this, and was stunned. Back in the day, she was Miss Congenial and Let's All Get Along. Seeing her turn against more and more who resist swinging left has been eye opening. As for others jumping on board, well, that's the least surprising thing I've seen.


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