
Friday, January 29, 2021

The Left's latest racial hygiene trick

He's seen Leftists who will turn you white
So it turns out that the latest fad among the emergent Left is 'whiteness.'  Think 'Jewishness' as it would have sounded in Germany during the 1930s.  It is a trigger word that basically means evil, wretched, racist, deplorable, stupid, oppressive, bigot, and a whole slew of unsavory labels.  

It follows the Left's primary thesis that the human race, being born with a moral blank slate, was generally pretty awesome - except for the Christian West and its bastard child America.  That's where all the nasty, unforgivable sins came from.  Sins like  sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, cis-bigotry, Islamaphobia, dogs and cats, living together, mass hysteria. 

Of course in recent years, especially following Obama's reelection in 2016, it's become fashionable to attach skin color to that appraisal.  It's not enough to say Christians or Americans, but white Christians, white Americans, white conservatives, white Evangelicals and so on.  The 'white' is the trigger word and is meant to conjure up the same sentiments Amon Goth had when he hear the word 'Jew.'  

Since Christians know the little secret about original sin in a fallen world, we know that Nazi Germany, not America at its finest, is the default, at-rest position for most of history, and not just European history. Therefore, since people will choose sin over righteousness as often as not, it's not surprising as our entire cultural framework shifts toward a new Jim Crow attitude aimed at the right skin color, that the majority of Americans, including politicians, filmmakers, poets and dreamers and, yes, Christian leaders, will jump on board.  Just as their forebears did waving Nazi flags and goose-stepping around Nuremberg all those years ago.

But there's a problem.  Basically this is just racism meant to drive wedges in society and marginalize those who buck the new Leftist State.  But fact is, not all who are resisting the Left are, well, white.  There are actually black Americans who have rejected the Left.  Some have said they no longer believe Democrats have their best interests in mind.  Some - and this is rough - actually supported Trump.  What to do about the narrative that Trump is White Supremacist, his supporters are White Nazis, and we must stop them at all cost?  

One way apparently is to continue the narrative that whiteness is a pox upon humanity in serious need of extermination.  That view is already sanctioned and promoted in and out of our halls of power.  Now just make the term more than about skin color, which it sort of already is.  After all, the main voices calling for the eradication of whiteness are usually good white liberals.  So clearly it's not just a 'skin color' thing.  Therefore it should take no effort at all to do this, to say whiteness now means failure to bow before the Leftist State whatever your skin color. 

You're a black American who has dared challenge the moral superiority and infallible efficacy of the Left?  Well, now you're an interracial whiteness type.  I'm not sure how they apply the label directly to individuals yet.  Basically it's using 'whiteness' the way 'communist' would have been used in the 1950s.  It doesn't have to be true.  It doesn't even have to make sense.  Just the threat of 'commie' might be enough to beat people down and eradicate dissent.   

Since, unlike McCarthy, the Left has the press, Hollywood, public and higher education, and not a few religious leaders on its side, it can do this now with impunity.  It doesn't have to make sense.  Nor should we sweat the fact that it sounds a lot like racism, and a racism that when applied to ethnic minorities, should be seen as demeaning and insulting.  That's because those who should call it out won't.  

Is it evil? Yes.  Is it racism? Yes.  Is it entirely contemptuous and does it display a deplorable lack of respect for ethnic minorities and their ability to think for themselves? Yes.  But this is the Left.  A heresy wrapped in a blasphemy promoting mass slaughter in order to sustain a porn culture through the AIDS pandemic, and delivering tyranny as the result.  What would we expect?  Except shock, perhaps, at just how many are fully behind this latest manifestation of humanity's woes, including many we imagined would never fall for such dribble.  

We only have a little time before future generations ask of conservatives today 
what we asked of Germans after WWII. 


  1. Mark Shea has told us how all conservatives are such horrible people as well But of course he has been elevated to sainthood in his own mind LOL. I can't even bother with most on the left anymore. Everyone is racist, bigoted, homophobic, sexist, transphobic blah blah blah.

    1. I've seen snippets, but haven't had the stomach to read his 'why I'm a proud Leftist' post, which I'm sure is what it is. But Mark is a major problem for the Church, not so much in what he himself does, but what he represents.

    2. Yep the whole post I shared with you basically says how horrible everyone is that doesn't embrace leftist Democrat ideology and how embracing the Democratic stance of abortion to birth is going to cut down on abortion. Mark has some serious mental gymnastics to try and defend Democrats


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