
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Democrats blaming Trump for our divided nation

Is like Ernest T. Bass blaming Sheriff Taylor for all the broken windows in Mayberry.  

Just a thought as I watched one newscast after another this morning reporting on today's inauguration, and parroting 100% the Left's perspective that our divisions are because of Trump.  

I've watched that little trick for more than 30 years.  The Left's whole 'Now that we've won, we want unity ... so stop being divisive and admit you're a Nazi' shtick has more than worn thin.  The only thing worse is that it's now accepted dogma by not only the press, but almost everyone, including our religious and even conservative leadership. 

It's either cowardliness or stupidity, I'm not sure which.  But either way, it doesn't bode well for the coming era. 


  1. "... and even conservative leadership." Almost as if they have been wolves in sheep's clothing all along, huh?

    1. Yep. Making a living being opposition leadership in a nation with growing intolerance of opposition doesn't breed the most dedicated defenders of the cause.

    2. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to spend their energies supporting "the lesser evil" rather than insisting on good.

    3. Yep. I think it's time for those who would avoid the up and coming problems seriously reevaluate our strategies.


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