
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Only the worst people disagree with Pope Francis

I know this because Pope Francis makes this clear, especially if you're disagreeing with his acceptance of various leftwing narratives.  Oh, you can disagree with him on all that Jesus and Trinity and boys  and girls existing, and it's no problem.  True, Pope Francis himself is the first to point to the problems with transgender mutilations, abortion for convenience, and marriage between men and any combination thereof.  But if you'll notice, he seldom condemns or judges those who endorse, promote or practice these.  The closest he seems to have come is being troubled with the manifold problems that are associated with transgender surgery, especially on children.  But again, no real condemnation of the motives or reasons why people do and support such things.

All such 'love the sinner/hate the sin' goes out the window, however, when it comes to people who challenge decidedly left leaning narratives around various issues like capitalism, socialism, open border post-national globalism, global warming, or the fighting the Covid crisis.  In those cases, Pope Francis seldom appears much different than old socialist and liberal professors I had, liberal and socialist and Marxist pundits and columnists, journalists, and most leftwing politicians.

And those who challenge such narratives or political policies and opinions?  Why, according to Pope Francis, they're the lowest of the low.  Rigid is the best they can hope for.  Everything they do is for the most wicked and evil reasons.  They're greedy.  They're bigoted.  They're callous, uncaring and care not for the suffering of the innocent.  They are truly the basket of deplorables, and Pope Francis has their numbers and thinks nothing about judging them, their motives and their ideas.   

Ever notice?  Pope Francis became an overnight superstar with the Left when he first made his famous 'who am I to judge?' statement about homosexuality. That sentiment clearly exists for most sins, evils, and other failings associated with modern, secular liberalism, Marxist thinking, and various other left wing political movements and ideals that run afoul of traditional Christian orthodoxy.  He may say these things aren't good.  He may even say they are themselves evil.  But I've seldom noticed him impugning the motives of those behind them. 

But it doesn't hold for those who believe in more traditional values, those who look to the special contributions of Western Christian civilization.  Or heck, the special contributions of Christianity in general.  For those who do such things, Pope Francis wades into them, assuming the worst of everything they are, and letting fly one volley of judgement after another.   In fact, that's the biggest problem I see.  Give me der panzer papa all you want.  Show me a brass knuckles, fist and kicking pope going after the baddies all day long.  But it should be more, what?  For the Gospel?  For Jesus?  For the Church?

In fact, Pope Francis seems to put a low premium on those things. Perhaps to him the Gospel is political narratives and socialist economic theory as espoused by modern political liberalism.  If it isn't, then he doesn't seem to care as much about the Gospel as he cares about our hopes and salvation brought to us through the horses and chariots of such political and economic theories and policies.  That's where his pronouncements always hover, that's where he says our problems always reside. Those who challenge such things - not rejecting Jesus or the Gospel, but rejecting such economic and political theories - are those for whom he reserves his wrath and sometimes contempt.   And that, to me, is a big problem. 


  1. It's not just F1, it's the likes of Mr Mccarrick's nephews: Farrell, Cupich, Toobin & the newest: Gregory.. The whole lot of them supporting the 'cafeteria" style catholicism that adores biden & bows to Harris... Bl Michael Mcgivney, pray for us... The bark that is "Peter" has run ashore

    1. Yes, I can't figure out why the Church continues on a course that has brought it nothing but problems, failures and gushing numbers. It's like the Cleveland Browns insisting they have a winning game plan.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Unknown, I don't see removing this, so don't know what happened there.

  2. He's a scold, and a predictable one. I think he's in for a surprise about how his stale political meditations are going to play in America from now on.

    1. I wonder. It seems more and more he is just what Americans want to hear.

  3. Pray and help the poor. Pray to become closer and closer to Christ and like Mother Teresa do look at the poor as Christ. The politic and ruling body governing the church is worldly and not spiritual and hence have no relevance to my striving for Holiness.

    1. You're right. That's always the way to do it. But it ought to be something that we do better because of the Church's leadership, not despite.

  4. Unfortunately, PF seems to have forgotten that sometimes silence is the best approach in controversial matters. It was probably never to be that he would be regarded as one of the greats but remembering that they also serve who stand and wait might have inspired him to do his best for all than trying to publicly sort out his own questions.

    1. My biggest concern is his 1) focus on these issues over and against the Gospel itself, and 2) his inconsistency. As I said, when it comes to sins of the Left, it's 'love the sinner, hate the sin', if he mentions them at all. With those who challenge the ideals of the Left, however, there's little love there and much judgement and impugning of motives and intentions. Sometimes in ways that contradict his own statements about how we should treat others. "Do as I say not as I do" is never a good way to conduct oneself as a religious leader.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Can somebody please remove this nutjob love-potion post?


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