
Saturday, November 7, 2020

Now that Joe Biden is president elect

 I have one thing to say: 

And I mean it.  Not like Mark Shea and others the day after the 2016 election, who posted the quote, and then by the end of the first day had declared the election a fraud, screamed corruption, Russian conspiracy, and Trump a Nazi racist needing taken out of office by hook or by crook.  I mean just what that vile and unforgivable racist John Wayne said (and what I said in 2016): Biden is my president. I hope he does a good - and godly - job. 

I'm  fine with looking into allegations of fraud.  I was in 2016.  If there's evidence of wrongdoing - and there wasn't any found in 2016 that I'm aware of - I say throw the book.  Same here.  But even assuming the clear and obvious fact that the whole process was manipulated and there likely was fraud and a grand rigging of the election against Trump, I think the numbers are still against him.  And that might be worth looking into for those who would rise up and stop the Leftist juggernaut. 

Therefore, I won't do  what conservatives condemned liberals of doing in 2000, 2004 or 2016 (Hmmm, I'm noticing a trend there), and that's undermine the validity of one of our most cherished freedoms.  Look for wrongdoing and prosecute, but in the meantime Biden is president elect.

I  certainly won't be part of the vomit inducing hypocrisy of the Left and all those liberals running about today whining about how horrible it is that anyone is questioning the scared purity and infallibility of our electoral process.  That level of double standards that the left gets away with from a sympathetic propaganda ministry (that is, news media) is one of the most rage inducing parts of our modern society. 

Nope.  Biden is president elect.  I will pray for him.  I will pray for his health (oh, boy will I pray for his health), and I will pray that somehow the Spirit of God can melt his heart and lead him away from the manifold evils and sins he has had to embrace in his fealty to a godless and opportunistic political movement.  Especially the horrible sex and drugs culture that his party supports and the unprecedented body count that floats in its wake.  

I understand what is at stake.  But if we are going to call things wrong, we can't turn about and suddenly do them because they're convenient.  Nothing defines the modern Left, after all, more than that. 

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way.   1 Timothy, 2.2


  1. Just one thought, Mr. G. While I agree with the essential point of your post, Biden is not the President-Elect. The media do not determine that, only the Electoral College and the Congress do. There are, as you know, major legal disputes pending in enough states to call the ultimate result into serious question. While it remains an uphill battle to undo massive electoral fraud in cities controlled by the defrauding party, the fat lady has not yet sung. Please pray that the forces of evil be vanquished, whatever their object, and that the man who got the most real votes in those contested states be declared the winner.
    Thanks and God bless. I enjoy reading your blog.

    1. Thanks. Yes, you're correct. Generally, through most of my life, that's never been an issue. Or at least we never thought about it. I don't think the fraud is the way, however. As my sons said, it's not so much that the Left rigged the system as much as they gamed it. I'll post on what I mean when I have the chance. But I think, in the end, what we're seeing is well beyond merely the election. And yet, despite it all, the election was as much an indictment of the Left as anything.

  2. That’s very interesting, and makes sense. We tend to focus too much on the immediate problem and lose the larger perspective. “Gaming” is probably the right term here. Of course, they prepared the ground carefully by changing the rules over the past couple of years (or more), and that effort seemed to be more concentrated as the election approached. The whole virus thing just served to make it easier for those so inclined to do away with normal safeguards against fraud. A perfect storm, if you will.
    Folks are becoming pessimistic who two weeks ago thought Trump could overturn the robbery. That worries me, but I hope the game still isn’t over. I do fear the next two years if we finally lose.


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